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Appendix 3: Warfare / War Encounters / The Battlefield


Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 578
Some battlefields include a fortification (such as a keep, castle, wall, or trench) that can house one or more armies. An army can't seek defense in a fortification once a battle begins; it must prepare itself and its defenses in advance during a Kingdom turn via the Garrison Army activity. Once an army is successfully garrisoned, it gains the fortified condition as long as it avoids using Maneuver war actions.

It's possible to destroy a fortification, but only with the use of siege armies. If a fortification is destroyed, all armies that were fortified within lose that condition and increase their shaken condition value by 1. Typical AC and HP values for fortifications against siege army attacks are listed below, along with how many armies each can contain.

Fortification Statistics

Fortification TypeACHPMax. Armies
Wall, stone2032
Wall, wooden1522