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Chapter 6: Equipment / Gear / Services


Source Player Core pg. 295 2.0
Spellcasting services are uncommon. Having a spell cast for you requires finding a spellcaster who knows and is willing to cast it. It’s hard to find someone who can cast higher-rank spells, and uncommon spells typically cost at least 100% more, if you can find someone who knows them at all. Spells that take a long time to cast (over 1 minute) usually cost 25% more. You must pay any cost listed in the spell in addition to the Price on the table.

Spellcasting Services

Spell RankPrice*
1st3 gp
2nd7 gp
3rd18 gp
4th40 gp
5th80 gp
6th160 gp
7th360 gp
8th720 gp
9th1,800 gp
* Plus any cost required to cast the specific spell.