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Impossible Lands

Product Page Paizo Store
Release Date 11/16/2022
Product Line Lost Omens

Ancestries [5]

Ghoran, Kashrishi, Nagaji, Vanara, Vishkanya

Ancestry Heritages [27]

Ancient Ash, Athamasi, Bandaagee Vanara, Cataphract Fleshwarp, Discarded Fleshwarp, Elusive Vishkanya, Enchanting Lily, Hooded Nagaji, Keen-Venom Vishkanya, Lahkgyan Vanara, Lethoci, Nascent, Old-Blood Vishkanya, Prismatic Vishkanya, Ragdyan Vanara, Sacred Nagaji, Scalekeeper Vishkanya, Strong Oak, Surgewise Fleshwarp, Thorned Rose, Titan Nagaji, Trogloshi, Venom-Resistant Vishkanya, Venomshield Nagaji, Wajaghand Vanara, Whipfang Nagaji, Xyloshi

Animal Companions [1]

Water Wraith

Archetypes [2]

Jalmeri Heavenseeker, Shieldmarshal

Curses [6]

Boatman's Toll, Consummate Liar, Curse of Biting Swarms, Curse of Petulant Whispers, Curse of the Rotting Heart, Lord's Arrogance

Deities [11]

Aakriti, Arazni, Arundhat, Chamidu, Diomazul, Haagenti, Likha, Mahathallah, Ragdya, Ravithra, Vineshvakhi

Equipment [36]

Alkenstar Ice Wine, Bottled Screams, Carrion Cask, Condensed Mana, Cube of Force, Cube of Nex, Defiled Costa, Defiled Costa (Greater), Doctrine of Blissful Eternity, Goo Grenade, Goo Grenade (Greater), Goo Grenade (Lesser), Goo Grenade (Major), Goo Grenade (Moderate), Grave Token, Lesser Cube of Nex, Oozepick, Oozepick (Greater), Open Mind, Oxygen Ooze, Palanquin of Night, Plated Duster, Pocket Watch, Silent Heart, Sunflower Censer, Thoughtwhip Claw, Tyrant's Writ, Unsullied Blood, Unsullied Blood (Greater), Unsullied Blood (Lesser), Unsullied Blood (Major), Unsullied Blood (Moderate), Vengeful Arm, Venomed Tongue, Vultures Wing, Wrenchgear

Familiar Abilities [2]

Created Magic (familiar), Turn of Fate (familiar)

Familiars (Specific) [1]


Feats [146]

Alabaster Eyes, Alluring Performance, Ancient Memories, Asura Magic, Bend Space, Breath of Calamity, Cannibalize Magic, Canopy Sight, Cleansing Light, Climbing Tail, Cold Minded, Community Knowledge, Consolidated Overlay Panopticon, Counterclockwork Focus, Cross the Final Horizon, Crystal Luminescence, Dangle (Vanara), Darting Monkey, Debilitating Venom, Defy Fey, Disruptive Stare, Dominion Aura, Drain Emotion, Eldritch Calm, Embodied Dragoon Subjectivity, Embodied Dreadnought Subjectivity, Embodied Legionary Subjectivity, Emotional Partitions, Empathic Calm, Endless Memories, Envenom Strike, Equitable Defense, Eternal Memories, Faultspawn, Fey Ascension, Fey Influence, Fey Tracker, Fey Transcendence, Fighting Horn, Flexible Form, Flower Magic, Fortified Mind, Ghoran Lore, Ghoran Weapon Expertise, Ghoran Weapon Familiarity, Ghoran Weapon Practice, Ghoran's Wrath, Glamour, Grand Dance, Greater Enhance Venom, Greenwatch Initiate, Greenwatch Veteran, Greenwatcher, Guarded Thoughts, Heaven's Thunder, Hidden Thorn, Hypnotic Lure, Idol Threat, Jalmeri Heavenseeker Dedication, Jalmeri Rakshasa Magic, Jungle Runner, Kashrishi Revivification, Legendary Size, Lesser Enhance Venom, Look but Don't Touch, Masquerade of Seasons Stance, Mental Sustenance, Miraculous Repair, Moderate Enhance Venom, Molten Wit, Monkey Spirits, Murderous Thorns, Nagaji Lore, Nagaji Spell Expertise, Nagaji Spell Familiarity, Nagaji Spell Mysteries, Native Waters, Noble Resolve, Open Mind, Perfect Ki Exemplar, Perfect Ki Expert, Perfect Ki Grandmaster, Perfect Resistance, Perfect Weaponry, Perfume Cloud, Pirouette, Pit of Snakes, Planar Sidestep, Prismatic Scales, Puncturing Horn, Ragdya's Dance, Ragdya's Revelry, Rakshasa Ravaged, Reimagine, Restoring Blood, Reveal Hidden Self, Scuttle Up, Serpentcoil Slam, Serpentine Swimmer, Serpent's Tongue, Shieldmarshal Dedication, Silent Stone, Skilled Climber, Skillful Climber, Skin Split, Sky and Heaven Stance, Skyseeker, Social Camouflage, Solar Rejuvenation (Ghoran), Speak with Flowers, Speaking Sky, Steal the Sky, Stronger Debilitating Venom, Sudden Mindfulness, Swift Application, Tail Snatch, Telekinetic Slip, Tough Skin, Towering Presence, Transcendent Realization, Transposable Compliance, Tree's Ward, Triggerbrand Blitz, Triggerbrand Salvo, Unbound Freedom, Unfettering Prankster, Unlock Secret, Unseen Passage, Vanara Battle Clarity, Vanara Lore, Vanara Weapon Expertise, Vanara Weapon Familiarity, Vanara Weapon Trickery, Venom Purge, Venom Spit, Vicious Venom, Violent Vines, Viper Strike, Vishkanya Lore, Vishkanya Weapon Arts, Vishkanya Weapon Expertise, Vishkanya Weapon Familiarity, Water Nagaji, Well of Potential, Whitecape, Wind Pillow

Hazards [3]

Cracked Earth, Mana Whorl, Spell Pitchers

Languages [3]

Kashrishi, Ratajin, Vishkanya

Monsters [15]

Benthic Reaver, Clockwork Cannoneer, Cursed King, Fleshforged Conformer, Fleshforged Dreadnought, Gunpowder Ooze, Kasesh, Kashrishi Evaluator, Mutant Gnoll Hulk, Quantium Golem, Ratajin Mastermind, Skinskitter, Spellscar Fext, Stone Sister, Ugvashi

Rules [1]

Wild Magic

Spells [16]

Speaking Sky, Steal the Sky, Summon Ancient Fleshforged, Summon Healing Servitor, Unblinking Flame Aura, Unblinking Flame Emblem, Unblinking Flame Ignition, Unbreaking Wave Barrier, Unbreaking Wave Containment, Unbreaking Wave Vapor, Unfolding Wind Blitz, Unfolding Wind Buffet, Unfolding Wind Crash, Untwisting Iron Augmentation, Untwisting Iron Pillar, Untwisting Iron Roots

Traits [2]

Kashrishi (Ancestry), Ratajin (Monster)

Ways [1]

Way of the Triggerbrand

Weapons [13]

Broadspear, Chakri, Dandpatta, Donchak, Gada, Kalis, Kris, Panabas, Talwar, Thorn Whip, Triggerbrand, Visap, Zulfikar