
Legacy Content

Source Pathfinder #197: Let the Leaves Fall pg. 76
Magic tea is a type of potion. It activates when you drink it, which uses it up. Magic tea has the potion and tea traits. When you craft a dose of magic tea, the raw materials you supply are in the form of unusual and costly tea leaves. The process of crafting magic tea includes infusing the leaves with magical reagents, purifying the water, and steeping the tea in the water, resulting in what's essentially a particularly delicious-tasting potion. You can activate magic tea with an Interact action as you drink it or feed it to another creature, as if it were a potion. You can also activate magic tea with a 10-minute activity that requires sterling tea ware (these artisan's tools can be shared by up to four people who take this activity simultaneously) to prepare the tea and then consume it or present it to someone during a short tea ceremony, after which the magic tea's effects begin; activating magic tea in this way enhances its effect, as detailed in each entry's Tea Ceremony below. Once you drink a dose of magic tea, you're temporarily immune to that particular type of magic tea for 24 hours.