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Source GM Core pg. 210 2.0
A villain on the run steals a carriage and sends the characters on a chase through the city, or the characters find an ancient airship and decide to take it for a spin. Whatever the case if vehicles are common throughout your world, they're likely to come up in your game. This section provides the tools you'll need when that happens.

Click here for the full rules on Vehicles.

BuntaVehicle 24

Legacy Content

Unique Medium Artifact Conjuration Magical Teleportation 
Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 76

This hand-woven coracle appears large enough to hold only a single person. When you pilot the boat, however, you can take on up to a dozen passengers, which ride in your soul. While there, their bodies and equipment are absorbed into you—they are aware of everything you sense and can communicate telepathically with you or any other passengers, but otherwise can't act except to Recall Knowledge and use actions that require only the use of their mind (as determined by the GM). They can exit your soul, or you can remove any number of them using a single action—which has the concentrate trait—causing them to appear in a space adjacent to Bunta. If you leave Bunta or are killed, any creatures in your soul immediately exit your body into the nearest available space. If you leave Bunta after piloting it, you can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to store the boat in your soul. You can remove it from your soul into an adjacent square with another such action. If Bunta takes enough damage to destroy it, it bursts into golden mist, then reforms over 24 hours in its last pilot's soul.
Space 5 feet long, 5 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 30), Nature (DC 30), or Sailing Lore (DC 32)
AC 50; Fort +46
Hardness 25, HP 500 (BT 250); Immunities object immunities
Spirit Ship Bunta can be damaged by spells like spirit blast that damage a creature's spirit directly, and such effects ignore Bunta's hardness.
Speed fly 40 feet (magical), swim 40 feet (magical), swim 20 feet (rowed)
Collision secret of souls

Activate [three-actions] command, envision, Interact; Requirements You are piloting Bunta; Effect A silver river flows from your heart, traveling forward in a line that flows around obstacles as if it were water. If Bunta travels at least its speed along the river each round for 10 minutes, you arrive at another plane as if you cast plane shift. You arrive in a destination you specify, or a random location if you don't have a choice. If Bunta ever does not travel at least its Speed in a round, you can disrupt this activation. If you continue, you have a 1% cumulative chance of ending up in a random extraplanar location for each round that Bunta did not travel at least its Speed, to a maximum of a 60% chance if Bunta didn't travel at least its Speed for the full 10 minutes. As long as you remain on Bunta, you are protected from any harmful effects of the plane's environment.
Secret of Souls You pilot Bunta into a creature's soul, finding and restoring its true nature. Bunta attempts to counteract all magical effects on the creature. Its counteract level is 20, with a counteract modifier of +40.
Destruction Bunta can only be permanently destroyed if Old-Mage Jatembe unweaves it, then submerges each reed in the River Styx at the base of Pharasma's Spire.

CartVehicle 0

Source GM Core pg. 215 2.0
Price 3 gp
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 14) or Nature (DC 16 to DC 24, depending on pulling creature)
AC 10; Fort +6
Hardness 4, HP 14 (BT 7); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 1 Large creature)
Collision 1d10 (DC 14)

RaftVehicle -1

Source GM Core pg. 217 2.0
Price 3 gp
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 2 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Athletics (DC 14) or Sailing Lore (DC 12)
AC 10; Fort +5
Hardness 1, HP 16 (BT 8); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 10 feet (rowed)
Collision 1d4 (DC 14)
Portaged The raft can be carried overland by 2 Medium creatures or 1 Large creature. Those creatures are encumbered when doing so.

SledVehicle 0

Source GM Core pg. 215 2.0
Price 3 gp
Space 5 feet long, 1 foot wide, 3 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 14) or Nature (DC 16 to DC 24, depending on pulling creature)
AC 10; Fort +6
Hardness 5, HP 14 (BT 7); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Medium creatures or 4 Small creatures)
Collision 1d12 (DC 14)
Ice Traverser Ice and snow are not difficult terrain to a sled, but all other terrains are difficult terrain for it.
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

Chariot, LightVehicle 0

Source GM Core pg. 215 2.0
Price 10 gp
Space 5 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 14) or Nature (DC 16 to DC 24, depending on pulling creature)
AC 10; Fort +6
Hardness 5, HP 14 (BT 7); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 1 Large creature)
Collision 1d12 (DC 14)

GliderVehicle 0

Uncommon Large 
Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 15 gp
Space 5 long, 10 feet wide, 2 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Piloting Lore (DC 14) or Nature (DC 16)
AC 10; Fort +6
Hardness 0, HP 16 (BT 8); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses fire 5
Speed fly 25 feet (wind)
Collision 2d4 (DC 14)
Starting Drop The only way to launch a glider is to jump off a steep incline with favorable wind conditions. The glider is uncontrolled and falls 60 feet each round until the pilot successfully Takes Control. If the glider hits the ground before the pilot successfully Takes Control, the pilot and the glider each take falling damage.

RowboatVehicle 0

Source GM Core pg. 217 2.0
Price 15 gp
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Athletics (DC 16) or Sailing Lore (DC 14)
AC 10; Fort +6
Hardness 5, HP 16 (BT 8); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 20 feet (rowed)
Collision 2d4 (DC 14)
Portaged The rowboat can be carried overland by 2 Medium creatures or 1 Large creature. Those creatures are encumbered when doing so.

WagonVehicle 1

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 25 gp
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 7 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 15) or Nature (DC 17 to DC 25, depending on the pulling creature)
AC 11; Fort +7
Hardness 5, HP 18 (BT 9); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Large creatures)
Collision 2d6 (DC 15)

ClunkerjunkerVehicle 1

Legacy Content

Uncommon Medium 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 93 2.0
Price 30 gp
A favorite of goblins, a clunkerjunker is essentially an armored cart built out of junk that uses volatile flammable chemicals, explosions, and alchemical reactions to propel itself bumpily along. While the initial idea is impressive and the cost of creating one is surprisingly low, these junkers, unfortunately, have a strong tendency to malfunction, and they're always one bad bump away from disaster.
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 16) or Crafting (DC 18)
AC 13; Fort +7
Hardness 5, HP 18 (BT 9); Immunities object immunities
Speed 30 feet (alchemical)
Collision 2d6 (DC 15)
Fall Apart When this vehicle takes physical damage the pilot must attempt a DC 11 flat check (or a DC 20 flat check when it takes a critical hit). On a failure, the armored hull fractures and the vehicle loses its Hardness and takes a –4 circumstance penalty to AC.
Smog (aura, fire) 10 feet. Whenever this vehicle is being piloted, it continually emits a thin haze of smoke and chemicals. Creatures in the aura (including the pilot and passengers) take a –1 circumstance penalty to visual Perception checks.
Volatile Flamethrower [three-actions] (fire) The pilot performs a three-action activity on their turn to vent alchemical fire out the sides of this vehicle. This requires three flasks of minor alchemist's fire, which the pilot loads into the vent as part of the activity. The pilot must then attempt a DC 5 flat check. On a success, creatures adjacent to this vehicle take 1d8 fire damage (DC 15 basic Reflex save). On a failure, it backfires, dealing 1d8 fire damage to the pilot and any passengers, with no save.

Automated CycleVehicle 1

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 92 2.0
Price 50 gp
This clockwork cycle provides most of its mobility via cogs and gears, which allow the cycle to move at a reasonable pace without the need for significant pedaling effort on the part of the pilot. The pilot uses a system of pedals and steering to control the speed and direction of the vehicle. The vehicle comes equipped with two sidecars, one on each side of the pilot.
Space 5 feet long, 10 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 15) or Crafting (DC 17)
AC 11; Fort +7
Hardness 5, HP 18 (BT 9); Immunities object immunities
Speed 30 feet (clockwork)
Collision 1d10 (DC 15)
Sidecars Each of the two sidecars can hold 1 passenger or 10 Bulk. The automated cycle's Speed is reduced by 5 feet for each sidecar that contains a passenger or cargo.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 14, standby

SleighVehicle 1

Source GM Core pg. 215 2.0
Price 50 gp
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 15) or Nature (DC 17 to DC 25, depending on pulling creature)
AC 11; Fort +7
Hardness 5, HP 18 (BT 9); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Large creatures or 6 Medium creatures)
Collision 2d6 (DC 15)
Ice Traverser Ice and snow are not difficult terrain to a sleigh, but all other terrains are difficult terrain for it.
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

VelocipedeVehicle 1

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 60 gp
Space 5 feet long, 2 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Athletics (DC 15), Piloting Lore (DC 17)
AC 11; Fort +6
Hardness 5, HP 15 (BT 7); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the pilot (pedaled [as rowed])
Collision 1d8 (DC 15)
Fragile Driving the velocipede over difficult terrain increases the DC by an additional 2 and gains the reckless trait.
Portable The velocipede can be pulled along the ground on its wheel by a Medium creature. The creature is encumbered when doing so.

CarriageVehicle 2

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 100 gp
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 7 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 16) or Nature (DC 18 to DC 26, depending on pulling creature)
AC 13; Fort +8
Hardness 5, HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Large creatures)
Collision 2d8 (DC 16)

Hot Air BalloonVehicle 2

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 100 gp
Space 15 long, 15 feet wide, 50 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 5
Piloting Check Piloting Lore (DC 16) or Nature (DC 18)
AC 13; Fort +8
Hardness 0, HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses fire 10
Speed fly 20 feet (wind)
Collision 2d8 (DC 16)
Drifter The hot air balloon lacks steering and relies on favorable wind currents to carry it in the right direction. If the pilot fails to maintain control of the hot air balloon, the balloon drifts whichever way the wind carries it, moving up to four times its Speed each round as determined by the GM.

Adaptable PaddleboatVehicle 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Medium 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 93 2.0
Price 110 gp
This amphibious clockwork boat moves through the water using clockwork waterwheels to keep a slow, consistent pace. When necessary, the boat uses ingenious clockwork to reposition the waterwheels and transform them into wheels suitable for land.
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 16), Sailing Lore (DC 16), or Crafting (DC 18)
AC 13; Fort +8
Hardness 5, HP 30 (BT 15); Immunities object immunities
Speed swim 15 feet (clockwork)
Collision 2d6 (DC 16)
Deploy Wheels [three-actions] The pilot engages a lever that activates the clockwork components to transform the adaptable paddleboat's waterwheels into wheels for rolling along the ground. This grants the adaptable paddleboat Speed 20 feet and reduces its swim Speed to 5 feet. This transformation lasts until the pilot disengages the wheels by using this activity again.

Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 16, standby

Steam CartVehicle 2

Legacy Content

Rare Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 120 gp
A steam cart looks like a cart with an alchemical cauldron that produces steam to power the cart's movement through a simple engine.
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 16) or Crafting (DC 18)
AC 12; Fort +8
Hardness 5, HP 30 (BT 15); Immunities object immunities
Speed 25 feet (alchemical)
Collision 2d8 (DC 16)
Steam Cloud Whenever the steam cart takes collision damage, its engine expels a dense cloud of steam in a 5-foot emanation. The steam cart and all creatures in the steam become concealed, and creatures outside the steam become concealed to creatures within it. The steam dissipates in 1 round.

Chariot, HeavyVehicle 3

Source GM Core pg. 215 2.0
Price 150 gp
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 3
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 18) or Nature (DC 20 to DC 28, depending on pulling creature)
AC 14; Fort +9
Hardness 5, HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Large creatures)
Collision 2d10 (DC 18)

Sand DiverVehicle 3

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 155 gp
A sand diver is a vaguely scorpion-shaped vehicle that uses alchemical reactions to propel itself. The tail-like structure acts as a heat sink and releases alchemical fumes behind the diver as it burrows. Instead of pincers, it has two burrowing mechanisms in front that allow it to dig through sand.
Space 15 feet long, 6 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 18) or Crafting (DC 20)
AC 14; Fort +9
Hardness 5, HP 42 (BT 21); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet, burrow 10 feet (alchemical)
Collision 2d10 (DC 18)
Shard Trail A sand diver can only burrow through sand, using the heat and flame from its alchemical core to slowly dig its way through. The alchemical fumes left behind become trapped belowground as it Burrows, temporarily catalyzing fragments of sand into a glass-like byproduct. Creatures that Burrow through a space this vehicle has Burrowed through within the last 24 hours take 1d12 piercing damage from the shards (DC 17 basic Fortitude save). A creature that continues Burrowing through a stretch of the same space the sand diver recently Burrowed through must continue to attempt this save the first time each round that it Burrows through the shards.

Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

Clockwork WagonVehicle 3

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 160 gp
A clockwork wagon is a slow, bulky wagon with cogs and gears running all along its interior and exterior, allowing it to pull about twice as much cargo as an ordinary wagon. However, it has less passenger space than an ordinary cart.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 7 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 18) or Crafting (DC 20)
AC 14; Fort +9
Hardness 5, HP 48 (BT 24); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (clockwork)
Collision 3d6 (DC 16)
Hauler This vehicle is designed to transport heavy cargo over long distances. It can hold 400 Bulk of cargo.
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Wind-Up 1 hour of wind-up, 8 hours of operational time, DC 18, standby

Hillcross GliderVehicle 4

Legacy Content

Rare Large 
Source Pathfinder #177: Burning Tundra pg. 75
Price 200 gp
On festival days, the people of Hillcross celebrate by launching gliders from the top of the cliffs and riding updrafts through the ravine. Hillcross gliders are made of bone and stretched hide, tied together with sinew, and sealed with a glue made from animal fat.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Piloting Lore (DC 19) or Nature (DC 21)
AC 16; Fort +11
Reflex +11
Hardness 5, HP 48 (BT 24); Immunities object immunities; Weaknesses fire 5 until broken
Speed fly 35 feet (wind)
Collision 2d8 (DC 19)
Starting Drop The only way to launch a Hillcross glider is to jump off a steep incline with favorable wind conditions. The glider is uncontrolled and falls 60 feet each round until the pilot successfully Takes Control. If the glider hits the ground before the pilot Takes Control, the pilot and the glider both take falling damage.

Steam TrolleyVehicle 4

Legacy Content

Rare Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 250 gp
A steam trolley is essentially a much bigger steam cart, with a heavier-duty alchemical cauldron and furnace feeding into a larger steam engine.
Space 15 feet long, 10 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 1 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 19) or Crafting (DC 21)
AC 15; Fort +11
Hardness 5, HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities object immunities
Speed 25 feet (alchemical)
Collision 3d8 (DC 19)

Firework PogoVehicle 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Medium 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 76
Price 300 gp
Space 5 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 21), Piloting Lore (DC 19)
AC 17; Fort +11
Hardness 5, HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities object immunities; Weaknesses fire 10 until broken
Speed jump jet (alchemical)
Collision 2d10 (DC 19)
Jump Jet The firework pogo moves exclusively via Leaping. For each action spent to Drive, the pogo Leaps 20 feet horizontally or 10 feet vertically.
Unstable Launch When the pilot uses a 3-action activity to recklessly Drive the firework pogo, it emits a burst of flames on launch that deals 3d6 fire damage to the pilot, the pogo itself, and each creature in a 10-foot radius (DC 19 basic Reflex save).

Siege TowerVehicle 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Gargantuan 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 77 2.0
Price 300 gp
The siege tower uses pushed propulsion, which uses the same rules as pulled.
Space 20 feet long, 20 feet wide, 40 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 9 pushers; Passengers 40
Piloting Check Diplomacy (DC 21), Intimidation (DC 21), or Warfare Lore (DC 19)
AC 16; Fort +11
Hardness 10, HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed by the pushers in the crew)
Collision 3d10 (DC 18)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Tiered A siege tower has five levels. The bottom level houses the crew, and each higher level carries up to 10 passengers. The tiers are specifically meant to be protective and give those within the siege tower greater cover (or standard cover if the siege tower is broken). Each tier is connected to the one above it by a 7-foot ladder.
The siege tower has a corvus at its highest tier: a vertical bridge that can be lowered to allow creatures to cross gaps. Lowering the corvus takes a total of 3 Interact actions. Moving the siege tower while the corvus is lowered is highly dangerous, especially for anyone on the corvus. When it's open, creatures in the top tier don't have cover from the side with the corvus, and creatures on the lowered corvus don't have cover except from below.

Armored CarriageVehicle 5

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 400 gp
Slow but steady, an armored carriage combines clockwork with a protective hull for a safe and comfortable ride.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 10 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 3
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 20) or Crafting (DC 22)
AC 19; Fort +12
Hardness 5, HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities object immunities
Speed 25 feet (clockwork)
Collision 3d10 (DC 20)
Weapon Mount This vehicle has one rear weapon mount that can be equipped with a ranged weapon. At purchase, this weapon mount is empty. Installing or uninstalling a weapon into this mount requires 10 minutes, a successful DC 20 Crafting check, as well as an appropriate weapon to install.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 20, standby

FireflyVehicle 5

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 94 2.0
Price 450 gp
A firefly blends magic and technology, using electricity magic and magnetism to hover just above the ground. While a firefly is more box-like than insect-shaped, it gets its name from the constant glow of the light and electricity magic that power it, as well as from the stabilizing magnets that protrude from its sides in roughly the same position as wings would be.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 10 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 3
Piloting Check Piloting Lore (DC 20), Arcana (DC 22), or Crafting (DC 22)
AC 16; Fort +12
Hardness 5, HP 60 (BT 30); Immunities object immunities; Resistances electricity 10
Speed hover 20 feet (electrical, magical)
Collision 3d8 (DC 20)
Flash [three-actions] (light) The pilot overcharges the vehicle, causing it to create a brilliant flash of light. All creatures in the bright light from its glow aura must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be dazzled 1 minute. The firefly's light dims for 10 minutes, reducing its glow to 10 feet of dim light, during which time it can't use flash. Flash stops working if the firefly is broken.
Glow (electricity, evocation, light, magical) Powered by magical lightning, this vehicle sheds bright light within 20 feet, and dim light for a further 20 feet.
Hover This vehicle is held aloft by rapidly spinning propellers that enable it to hover 1 foot in the air. It is incapable of flying any higher, and when the pilot stops the magic or the vehicle breaks, it descends 1 foot to the ground.

KarakoaVehicle 5

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 267
Price 450 gp
Karakoa are large twin-hulled outriggers used by the Tian-Sing for transit within the massive Minata archipelago. Fast and sturdy, karakoa are distinct from other Tian vessels in that they're equipped with platforms for transporting warriors and fighting at sea. During peacetime, they're also used as trading ships, able to carry goods and passengers. While capable of crossing oceans, their open hull design may perform poorly during rough seas as breaking whitecaps could swamp the craft.
Space 80 feet long, 40 feet wide, 30 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 20 rowers; Passengers 20
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 20) or Athletics (DC 22)
AC 17; Fort +12
Hardness 10, HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses 10 fire until broken
Speed swimg 40 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 5d8 (DC 20)

BathysphereVehicle 5

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 480 gp
Space 15 feet long, 15 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 22), Engineering Lore (DC 20), or Piloting Lore (DC 20)
AC 18; Fort +12
Hardness 10, HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 20 feet (alchemical; underwater only)
Collision 2d10 (DC 20)
Cable The bathysphere is raised and lowered from a cable at the surface and can move only vertically.
Ballast Release [two-actions] The pilot releases the bathysphere's ballast. The bathysphere moves 3 times its Speed toward the surface at the end of the pilot's turn.
Tether Buoy Crew and passengers can breathe while the vehicle is underwater to a depth of 500 feet or less.

Clockwork HopperVehicle 6

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 95 2.0
Price 750 gp
A clockwork hopper is similar in form to a large rabbit, making hop-like strides that avoid terrain impediments, though the lurching hops can be bumpy and cause motion sickness in some riders.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 12 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 22) or Crafting (DC 24)
AC 19; Fort +14
Hardness 5, HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 35 feet (clockwork)
Collision 4d10 (DC 22)
Hopper This vehicle hops across the terrain as it moves across the ground. The clockwork hopper ignores difficult terrain from earth, rock, rubble, slopes, and underbrush, and greater difficult terrain caused by those features is normal difficult terrain to the clockwork hopper. Massive Jump [three-actions] (move, reckless) The pilot engages a spring-driven mechanism that rockets the clockwork hopper into the air, in a grand leap. The vehicle jumps in a straight line in the direction of its current heading without touching the ground, landing in a space of solid ground up to 70 feet forward and up to 30 feet up. Creatures adjacent to the spaces a hopper lands in take 4d10 bludgeoning damage with a DC 22 basic Reflex save, and are knocked prone on a critical failure. The clockwork hopper can't use Massive Jump again for 1 minute. Massive Jump stops working if the clockwork hopper is broken.

Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 22, standby

CutterVehicle 6

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 750 gp
Space 30 feet long, 15 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 3 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Nature (DC 24), Sailing Lore (DC 22)
AC 19; Fort +14
Hardness 10, HP 100 (BT 50); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses fire 10 until broken
Speed swim 30 feet (wind)
Collision 4d10 (DC 22)

Sand BargeVehicle 6

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 76
Price 750 gp
Space 30 feet long, 20 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 5
Piloting Check Diplomacy (DC 24), Intimidation (DC 24), Sailing Lore (DC 22)
AC 20; Fort +14
Hardness 5, HP 90 (BT 45); Immunities object immunities
Speed 40 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 4d10 (DC 22)
Sand Skimmer The sand barge can travel over sand, water, and quicksand equally well, but it can't traverse solid ground.

Sky Chariot, LightVehicle 7

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 1,000 gp
Space 10 feet long, 15 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 25), Nature (DC 25 to 33, depending on pulling creature), or Piloting Lore (DC 23)
AC 20; Fort +14
Hardness 15, HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the fly Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 2 Large creatures or 1 Huge creature)
Collision 5d10 (DC 23)

Snail CoachVehicle 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 96 2.0
Price 1,000 gp
Shaped like its animal namesake, a snail coach is a trolley powered by a combination of magic and alchemical adhesives, with a hard outer shell to protect itself from attacks. The adhesive trail both allows it to climb and leaves a hindrance for pursuing foes.
Space 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 23) or Crafting (DC 25)
AC 21; Fort +15
Hardness 10, HP 100 (BT 50); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet, climb 15 feet (alchemical, magical)
Collision 7d6 (DC 21)
Adhesive Secretions This vehicle secretes an alchemical adhesive that allows it to stick to and climb up solid surfaces. Spaces the snail coach moves through become difficult terrain for 1 round. Any creature that ends their turn on the adhesive must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or take a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is also immobilized for 1 round (Escape DC 23).

Cauldron of FlyingVehicle 6

Legacy Content

Rare Medium Magical 
Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw pg. 79
Price 1,100 gp
Witches flying about the countryside at night in their magical cauldrons are often merely legends, but the existence of this magical vehicle shows at least some of the legends are true.

A cauldron of flying can carry only one creature, who stands or crouches in the cauldron and steers it with a ladle, broomstick, or similar implement. The specific implement isn't part of the cauldron and doesn't need to have any particular magic; it simply focuses the pilot's desire to have the cauldron soar into the air and direct it where the pilot wants it to go.

When not in use as a vehicle, the cauldron can be used to boil food and prepare alchemical ingredients, just like any mundane cauldron. To activate the cauldron, however, it must be empty.
Space A large cooking pot 4 feet high and 5 feet in diameter, bulging slightly in the middle and flaring at the top.
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 24), Occultism (DC 20), or Piloting Lore (DC 22)
AC 21; Fort +14
Hardness 9, HP 79 (BT 36); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed fly 30 feet (magical)
Collision 4d8 (DC 22)
Iron Rim [one-action] The cauldron provides its pilot with standard cover, although this cover doesn't typically provide any bonus to Stealth checks, as a flying cauldron is both visible and suspicious.

StriderVehicle 7

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 1,200 gp
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 25), Crafting (DC 25), Engineering Lore (DC 23), Piloting Lore (DC 23)
AC 24; Fort +13
Hardness 10, HP 120 (BT 60); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed 30 feet (alchemical, magical)
Collision 3d10 (DC 24)
Long Reach The strider can bridge a gap as wide as 30 feet by Striding over it.

LongshipVehicle 8

Source GM Core pg. 217 2.0
Price 1,500 gp
Space 65 feet long, 15 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 10 rowers; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 26), Diplomacy (DC 28), or Intimidation (DC 28)
AC 21; Fort +16
Hardness 15, HP 140 (BT 70); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 40 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 6d10 (DC 24)
Maneuverable With a full complement of skilled rowers, a longship can turn swiftly, turn in place, and even row backwards. Each 90-degree turn made in less than a vehicle length costs 5 extra feet of movement. It can row backwards no faster than half its speed, and it can’t turn while rowing backwards.

Mobile InnVehicle 8

Legacy Content

Rare Huge 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 96 2.0
Price 1,500 gp
A mobile inn is the next step up from an armored carriage, bringing the limited comforts of a simple (and cramped) inn stay to make long distance journeys more bearable for wealthy travelers. Essentially a tiny inn on wheels, powered by alchemical catalysts and a steam engine, the vehicle is equipped with a stove, storage cupboard, washbasin, table, two benches, and a compact sleeping loft large enough to accommodate four. It can be modified to accommodate a single passenger in significantly more comfort or to easily hold 5 passengers by stripping the accommodations.
Space 20 feet long, 20 feet wide, 13 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 3 (can hold up to 5 by stripping accommodations)
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 24) or Crafting (DC 26)
AC 22; Fort +18
Hardness 10, HP 100 (BT 50); Immunities object immunities
Speed 30 feet (alchemical)
Collision 5d10 (DC 24)

Sailing ShipVehicle 9

Source GM Core pg. 217 2.0
Price 2,000 gp
Space 75 feet long, 20 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 8 crew; Passengers 10
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 26), Diplomacy (DC 28), or Intimidation (DC 28)
AC 23; Fort +18
Hardness 15, HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 40 feet (wind)
Collision 6d10 (DC 26)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

Clockwork BorerVehicle 9

Legacy Content

Rare Huge 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 96 2.0
Price 2,100 gp
A clockwork borer is essentially a huge adamantine drill attached to a large wheeled carriage. The clockwork gears within move the borer itself and spin the drill, allowing it to burrow through loose material quickly and even through solid stone at a slower rate.
Space 20 feet long, 8 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 5
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 26) or Crafting (DC 28)
AC 24; Fort +18
Hardness 15, HP 110 (BT 55); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet, burrow 10 feet (clockwork)
Collision 6d10 piercing (DC 26)
Adamantine Drill While most burrow Speeds only allow a creature or vehicle to move through loose dirt or earth, this vehicle is equipped with an adamantine drill and can burrow through bedrock and stone at a rate of 5 feet per minute.
Pivoting Seats This vehicle's seats are mounted on a weighted platform that pivots as the vehicle moves, automatically adjusting position with gravity. Seated creatures remain upright no matter the position or angle of the vehicle.
Sluggish Because it is sluggish, this vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 26, standby

Clockwork BumblebeeVehicle 9

Legacy Content

Rare Large Clockwork 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 22
Price 2,100 gp
Space 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 28) or Driving Lore (DC 26)
AC 23; Fort +18
Hardness 5, HP 120 (BT 60); Immunities object immunities; Weaknesses electricity 10 until broken
Speed fly 30 feet (clockwork)
Collision 4d10 (DC 26)
Wind-Up (10-minute wind, 10-minute operation, DC 26, standby) Like all clockwork vehicles, a clockwork bumblebee must be wound up in order to operate, and a creature can decrease the operation time by 10 minutes with a successful Disable Device check at the listed DC. A clockwork vehicle can be placed into standby mode by its pilot as a 3-action activity. Its operational time doesn't decrease in standby. You can find more info in the wind-up entry here.

SpeedsterVehicle 10

Legacy Content

Rare Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 96 2.0
Price 2,900 gp
A speedster is a light streamlined hybrid clockwork and steam-powered alchemical chassis roughly the shape of a horse or other creature built for speed. Speedsters are built to maintain a rapid pace that can become even faster for brief periods of time by releasing stored up steam pressure for an extra burst of speed.
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 27) or Crafting (DC 29)
AC 23; Fort +19
Hardness 15, HP 130 (BT 65); Immunities object immunities
Speed 50 feet (alchemical, clockwork)
Collision 7d10 (DC 27)
Speed Boost [one-action] The pilot releases built up pressure in the speedster's alchemical steam engine in order to temporarily increase its speed. For 1d4 rounds, the speedster's Speed becomes 80 feet and all move actions the pilot takes gain the reckless trait. When the pilot takes an action that already would have the reckless trait, the pilot uses the degree of success one worse than the one they rolled on the piloting check. The speedster can't use Speed Boost again for 1 hour, as the pressure requires time to rebuild.
Streamlined This lightweight vehicle has no additional storage space for cargo.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 2 hours of operational time, DC 28, standby

Cliff CrawlerVehicle 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 18
Price 3,000 gp
Space 30 feet long, 15 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 3
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 29), Engineering Lore (DC 27), Piloting Lore (DC 27), or Nature (DC 29)
AC 26; Fort +19
Hardness 15, HP 170 (BT 85); Immunities object immunities
Speed climb 40 feet (magical)
Collision 7d10 (DC 27)
Mountain Traverser Rocks and stones aren't difficult terrain to a cliff crawler, and it can traverse most vertical rock and stone surfaces at up to half its Speed.

GalleyVehicle 10

Source GM Core pg. 217 2.0
Price 3,000 gp
Space 130 feet long, 20 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 20 rowers; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 27), Diplomacy (DC 29), or Intimidation (DC 29)
AC 25; Fort +19
Hardness 15, HP 170 (BT 85); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 30 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 7d10 (DC 27)
Maneuverable With a full complement of skilled rowers, a rowed galley can turn swiftly, turn in place, and even row backwards. Each 90-degree turn made in less than a vehicle length costs 5 extra feet of movement. It can row backwards no faster than half its speed, and it can’t turn while rowing backwards.

Sky Chariot, MediumVehicle 10

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 3,000 gp
Space 10 feet long, 20 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 3
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 29), Nature (DC 29 to 37, depending on pulling creature), or Piloting Lore (DC 27)
AC 25; Fort +19
Hardness 15, HP 160 (BT 80); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the fly Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 4 Large creatures, 2 Huge creatures, or 1 Gargantuan creature)
Collision 7d10 (DC 27)

Apparatus of the OctopusVehicle 11

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 97 2.0
Price 4,000 gp
This apparatus, which is shaped like an octopus (or more rarely, a squid or other aquatic creature), uses almost entirely magical propulsion. Clockwork parts make up the controls and mechanisms to improve some of the functionality, but magic moves the vehicles' cogs and gears. While it needs only a pilot, it can optionally hold a second crew member, which can be useful if the second crew member controls the apparatus's hands or eyes.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1 (the passenger can optionally act as crew but more crew isn't necessary)
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 28) or Crafting (DC 30)
AC 25; Fort +20
Hardness 15, HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities object immunities
Speed 5 feet, swim 40 feet (clockwork, magical)
Collision 7d10 (DC 28)
Manipulate Hands [two-actions] (Interact) A crew member operates a lever set up like a joystick, allowing that crew member to extend and manipulate the apparatus's hands. While the hands can't attack and can't perform fine actions such as Disabling a Device, Stealing something, or opening the stopper on a potion bottle, but they can grasp and hold up to 50 Bulk.
Open Eyes [two-actions] (Interact) A crew member pulls a lever to open the apparatus's eyes, which shine bright light within 20 feet and dim light for the next 20 feet. A crew member can take this action again to close the eyes.
Open Portholes [two-actions] (Interact) A crew member pulls a lever to open two portholes, allowing the crew to see outside the apparatus and other creatures to see into it. A crew member can take this action again to close the portholes.
Submersible The apparatus of the octopus can protect its crew and passengers from water pressure to a maximum depth of 5,000 feet and contains enough air for 12 hours for a pilot alone or 6 hours for a pilot and passenger or crew member.

AtakebuneVehicle 11

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 266
Price 4,000 gp
The structure of these gargantuan vessels is fully covered by iron. These vessels are akin to floating fortresses rather than true warships, and are typically used in coastal actions and for river blockades. They use oars for propulsion, as their full iron cladding, as well as their bulk, impedes propulsion via sails.

Many of these vessels are beautifully gilded with red and gold inlays across their iron cladding. This added weight only further contributes to their suspect stability.
Space 75 feet long, 30 feet wide, 30 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 80 rowers; Passengers 60
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 27), Diplomacy (DC 29), or Intimidation (DC 29)
AC 26; Fort +21
Hardness 20, HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 30 feet (rowed)
Collision 8d10 (DC 27)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

Shark DiverVehicle 11

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 77
Price 4,200 gp
Space 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 4 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 30), Piloting Lore (DC 28)
AC 26; Fort +20
Hardness 15, HP 120 (BT 60); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Resistances electricity 10
Speed swim 40 feet (alchemical)
Collision 8d10 (DC 28)
Electrify [two-actions] Frequency once per minute; Effect Two crew members each perform a 2-action activity on their turn to emit an electrical pulse, dealing 6d6 damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the shark diver. Crew and passengers of the shark diver are unaffected. Affected creatures must attempt a basic Fortitude save (DC 28).
Submersible The shark diver can travel beneath the surface of the water, carrying an air reservoir suitable to sustain 11 Medium creatures for up to 24 hours. The shark diver can safely reach depths of up to 300 feet. If broken, the shark diver loses air from its reservoir, reducing the stored air by 10 minutes per round. A broken shark diver has its maximum depth reduced by half.

AirshipVehicle 12

Rare Gargantuan 
Source GM Core pg. 213 2.0
Price 6,000 gp
Space 90 feet long, 30 feet wide, 60 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 5 other crew; Passengers 15
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 32), Crafting (DC 32), Nature (DC 32), or Piloting Lore (DC 30)
AC 28; Fort +22
Hardness 20, HP 210 (BT 105); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses fire 15 until broken
Speed fly 50 feet (alchemical, magical)
Collision 9d10 (DC 30)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

GeobukseonVehicle 12

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 267
Price 6,000 gp
These squat vessels are built with a protective shell- like covering on their deck rather than the open main deck design of most sailing vessels. The fully covered deck protects the vessel's 80 rowers and complement of 50 soldiers from arrows and incendiary weapons. In addition, this armored deck is covered with iron spikes to discourage enemies from attempting to board.

On the bow of the vessel is mounted a dragon head which can emit sulfur smoke to effectively hide its movement in close combat. Below the dragon head is mounted a large anchor with a wooden crest shaped like a face, and these can be used to ram into enemy ships.
Space 110 feet long, 35 feet wide, 40 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 80 rowers; Passengers 50
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 30), Diplomacy (DC 32), or Intimidation (DC 32)
AC 23; Fort +18
Hardness 20, HP 180 (BT 90); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 30 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 8d10 (DC 30)
Smoking Breath When the geobukseon Stops, it's concealed by the smoke for 1 round or until it next moves. The geobukseon can't use this concealment to Hide or Sneak.
Turtleback Spikes The roof of a geobukseon is difficult terrain and hazardous terrain. A creature that moves on the roof takes 1d6 piercing damage for every square of that area it moves into. Falling prone on the geobukseon's roof deals 5d6 piercing damage.

BaochuanVehicle 13

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 266
Price 8,000 gp
The keel of these vessels consists of wooden beams bound together with iron hoops to provide added stability during ocean transits. In stormy weather, holes in the prow partially fill with water when the ship pitches forward, lessening the violent turbulence caused by waves. Renowned for their seaworthiness, Baochuan were often chosen for transporting valuable treasure or important emissaries during stormy seasons. As such, they're often referred to as “treasure ships” and highly sought prizes by pirates.
Space 300 feet long, 50 feet wide, 40 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 200 crew; Passengers 400
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 31) or Nature (DC 33)
AC 29; Fort +23
Hardness 10, HP 250 (BT 125); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses 10 fire until broken
Speed swim 30 feet (wind)
Collision 9d10 DC 22

Sky Chariot, HeavyVehicle 13

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 9,000 gp
Space 20 feet long, 20 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 7
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 33), Nature (DC 33 to 41, depending on pulling creature), or Piloting Lore (DC 31)
AC 29; Fort +23
Hardness 20, HP 230 (BT 115); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed the fly Speed of the slowest pulling creature (pulled by 6 Large creatures, 2 Huge creatures, or 1 Gargantuan creature)
Collision 9d10 (DC 31)

Steam GiantVehicle 14

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 12,500 gp
Space 20 feet long, 20 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 3 crew; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 32) or Crafting (DC 34)
AC 33; Fort +28
Hardness 20, HP 200 (BT 100); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed 20 feet (alchemical)
Collision 10d10 (DC 29)
Flame Jet [three-actions] (fire) Two crew members each perform a 3-action activity on their turn to produce a gout of flames that erupts at the end of the second character’s turn from any corner of any space the steam giant occupies. The flames deal 6d8 fire damage to each creature in a 30-foot cone (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The flame jet stops working if the steam giant is broken.

Ambling SurveyorVehicle 14

Legacy Content

Rare Huge 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 98 2.0
Price 13,000 gp
This huge, magical clockwork rover moves on a continuous band of heavy treads, which make it easier to for the device to navigate across various adverse conditions. It contains magical clockwork birds which can transmit visual information back to the surveyor.
Space 15 feet long, 15 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 7
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 32) or Crafting (DC 34)
AC 33; Fort +25
Hardness 20, HP 190 (BT 95); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (clockwork, magical)
Collision 8d12 (DC 30)
Continuous Track This vehicle travels on a continuous band of heavy treads driven by a series of gears and wheels, enabling it to travel over rugged land with ease. Earth, rock, rubble, slopes, and underbrush are not difficult terrain to an ambling surveyor. The ambling surveyor ignores difficult terrain from earth, rock, rubble, slopes, and underbrush, and greater difficult terrain caused by those features is normal difficult terrain to the ambling surveyor.
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Survey (concentrate, divination, exploration, magical, manipulate, visual) Requirements The ambling surveyor is not in motion; Effect The pilot and crew release a collection of six clockwork birds, which spend two hours flying over the surrounding area within a 1-mile radius around the ambling surveyor. Everything the birds see is magically transmitted back to the ambling surveyor's crew as illusory images, which the crew must catalogue in real-time if they want to use the information to fully survey the area and create a map. After two hours, the birds return. The birds use the base statistics of clockwork spies if they are attacked, or if their Perception is important to determine what they can see, although they only perform the Survey action and they don't have any of the other abilities of a clockwork spy. Replacement birds cost 250 gp each. Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 32, standby

DjongVehicle 15

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 267
Price 17,000 gp
Djongs are immense multi-decked outriggers used by the Tian-Sing for transit within the Minata archipelago. Similar in design to the smaller karakoa, djongs have an open hull design that makes them very fast and exceptionally stable, capable of carrying hundreds of rowers on their decks, as well as a large woven triangular sail on a mast. The broad platforms on the djongs made them excellent for ferrying cargo, and their size and stability enabled them to host hundreds of warriors and their gear for transport. During peacetime, djongs are often used to host major celebrations and important weddings, with dignitaries bringing large entourages on their own djongs and then rafting up with other celebrants to form a floating village.

The size of the djongs is limited by the availability of the large timber required to form each of its twin hulls. Many of the giant trees suitable to build djongs have been harvested, making the surviving djongs even more valuable, with their overall length becoming a metric of status for their owners.
Space 250 feet long, 100 feet wide, 50 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 400 rowers; Passengers 100
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 34), Diplomacy (DC 36), or Intimidation (DC 36)
AC 32; Fort +26
Hardness 15, HP 280 (BT 140); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses 15 fire until broken
Speed swim 50 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 9d12 (DC 34)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.

Sand RacerVehicle 15

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Magical 
Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 79
Price 18,500 gp
Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 30), Crafting (DC 35), or Arcana (DC 36)
AC 34; Fort +24
Hardness 20, HP 170 (BT 85); Immunities object immunities
Speed 90 feet (thasteron)
Collision 10d6 bludgeoning and 6d6 fire (DC 30)
Burning Exhaust [two-actions] Attempt a two-action Piloting check to Drive the sand racer.
Critical Success The sand racer moves up to its Speed and can turn normally. Choose up to two creatures that the sand racer was adjacent to when it began this movement. Both of those creatures take 6d6 fire damage from the sand racer's burning exhaust (DC 30 basic Reflex save).
Success As critical success, but choose only one creature.
Failure As success, but the creature gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its Reflex save, and the sand racer moves its Speed in a straight line.
Critical Failure You fail to blast any creatures with the burning exhaust. The sand racer moves its Speed in a straight line and becomes uncontrolled.
Exploratory Kit Sand racers were built to aid in long-distance exploration of Akiton's sandy wastelands, and have storage capacity for 14 days of rations for a Medium creature and 14 days of fuel. They also have a small storage compartment in the front designed to store a repair kit and replacement parts for the more delicate pieces of machinery.
Speed Boost [one-action] Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The pilot triggers an injection of thasteron directly into the sand racer's engine to briefly increase its speed. For 1 round the sand racer's Speed becomes 180 feet, all piloting checks with the sand racer gain the reckless trait, and the pilot gains a +2 circumstance to any Acrobatics or piloting checks made to navigate specific challenges. A speed boost is terribly inefficient, and consumes a day's worth of fuel.

Titanic StomperVehicle 15

Legacy Content

Rare Gargantuan 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 98 2.0
Price 19,000 gp
Among the most dangerous vehicles created in Ustalav with a mix of magic and the new Stasian technology, a titanic stomper is shaped like a long sinuous lizard or behir with carefully placed Stasian coils and eight big stomping legs. Titanic stompers were meant to devastate the armies of the undead. Only two exist, making them almost unique, and the means to create more have been stymied, as some of the crucial inventors were killed in the process of attempting to design a follow-up technology, a smaller but more powerful suit of mechanized armor called the Grobelarch that ultimately went berserk and killed its creators.
Space 60 feet long, 30 feet wide, 60 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 3 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 34) or Crafting (DC 36)
AC 34; Fort +26
Hardness 20, HP 230 (BT 115); Immunities object immunities; Resistances electricity 20
Speed 40 feet, (electrical, magical)
Collision 9d12 (DC 32)
Bolt Blast [three-actions] Two crew members each perform a three-action activity on their turn to fire a line of lightning at the end of the second character's turn. This line of lightning erupts from the front of the titanic stomper at an angle of the crew members' choice and deals 5d12 electricity damage to each creature in a 120-foot line (DC 34 basic Reflex save). The Bolt Blast stops working if the titanic stomper is broken.
Electrical Absorption [reaction] Trigger The titanic stomper is targeted by, or in the area of, an effect that deals electricity damage; Effect The pilot uses their reaction to activate the Stasian coils, which funnels the electricity into the titanic stomper's electrical engine. The next time Bolt Blast is used within the next minute, the damage it deals increases to 7d12.
Quaking Step The ground shakes with every step a titanic stomper takes. Whenever this vehicle moves, creatures on the ground within 20 feet of its movement path must attempt a DC 32 Reflex save. On a failure, they are flat-footed for 1 round, and on a critical failure, they're knocked prone.

Planar SkiffVehicle 15

Rare Huge Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 225 2.0
Price 19,500 gp
A planar skiff is a flat-bottomed ship designed to travel the Great Beyond. A wide variety of skiffs course the planes, with designs incorporating their home planes' fashions and materials. Their magical sails allow them to catch planar currents, and their wards protect travelers as they move across planar boundaries. To allow travel to multiple planes, a planar skiff can have multiple planar keys installed (including items like a cipher of the elemental planes). Installing or removing one takes 10 minutes. A planar skiff is typically built with one planar key from its plane of manufacture and a second for a destination plane.
Space 30 feet long, 15 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 3 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Arcana (DC 36), Nature (DC 36), Occultism (DC 36), Religion (DC 36), or Sailing Lore (DC 34)
AC 34; Fort +26
Hardness 20, HP 230 (BT 115); Immunities object immunities; Resistances acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, fire 15, sonic 15
Speed fly 50 feet (magical)
Collision 9d10 (DC 32)
Adaptation Aura (aura) 10 feet. The vehicle has a warding aura that protects its passengers. Creatures and objects in the aura gain resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic, vitality, and void damage. They are also protected from severe cold, severe heat, extreme cold, and extreme heat. The aura also provides breathable air for all passengers, though this air can still become filled with smoke and similar substances.
Journey the Planes (10 minutes) The pilot locks onto a plane, using one of the vehicle's planar keys as a focus. A canal of planar energy from the destination plane appears ahead of the ship. The pilot spends 10 minutes navigating the passage, then attempts a piloting check (typically DC 34). On a success, the vehicle casts interplanar teleport, transporting itself and all passengers and cargo to the destination plane as it reaches the terminus of the canal. The pilot is considered the target of the spell for the purposes of determining the location at which the vehicle arrives on the plane. The skiff can't interplanar teleport again for 8 hours.
Planar Evacuation [three-actions] (move, reckless) The pilot overcharges one of the vehicle's planar keys, forcing an emergency transport of the ship. The pilot attempts a DC 44 piloting check. On a success, the vehicle casts interplanar teleport as noted in Journey the Planes. (The pilot can't succeed on the check if the vessel is unable to interplanar teleport.) This process severely taxes the vehicle, and it can't interplanar teleport again for 1d4 days.

Battery TowerVehicle 16

Legacy Content

Rare Gargantuan 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 177 2.0
Price 30,000 gp
The battery tower uses both pushed propulsion and turned propulsion to turn a capstan. Turned propulsion uses the same rules as rowed propulsion. Pushed propulsion uses the same rules as pulled.
Space 50 feet long, 50 feet wide, 90 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 150 turners, 2,200 pushers; Passengers 204
Piloting Check Diplomacy (DC 37), Intimidation (DC 37), or Warfare Lore (DC 35)
AC 34; Fort +28
Hardness 25, HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed, turned)
Collision 8d10 (DC 32)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Tiered A battery tower has five levels. The crew operate at the bottom tier, turning a giant capstan, and up to four passengers can fit on that floor, enough for a full crew for a bombard. The remaining levels carry 50 passengers each. The tiers are specifically meant to be protective, and give those within the battery tower greater cover (or standard cover if the battery tower is broken). A massive ladder runs diagonally through the center of the battery tower, from the front of the top tier to the rear of the bottom tier. The ladder is wide enough for two crew or passengers to climb simultaneously.
Weaponry A battery tower is usually loaded with black powder siege weapons for heavy assaults, with bombards on the bottom two floors and cannons on the other floors. Their Price is included in that of the battery tower. When building a battery tower, you can choose to replace any of these with other siege weapons of a lower Price. If you want a more expensive siege weapon, you must Craft it separately. Passengers of the battery tower can crew these siege weapons.

Clockwork CastleVehicle 16

Legacy Content

Rare Gargantuan 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 99 2.0
Price 30,000 gp
While the name slightly overstates its size, nonetheless a magical clockwork castle is a sizable mobile fortress built on ten spiderlike clockwork legs, with three stories of palatial accommodations within. Legends tell of a unique clockwork castle massively larger even than this size, perhaps an artifact in its own right.
Space 30 feet long, 30 feet wide, 35 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 10
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 35), Arcana (DC 39), or Crafting (DC 37)
AC 36; Fort +28
Hardness 20, HP 250 (BT 125); Immunities object immunities
Speed 40 feet (clockwork, magical)
Collision 11d10 (DC 35)
Environmental Protections This vehicle's interior temperature is magically maintained. Creatures inside this vehicle are protected from severe cold, severe heat, extreme cold, and extreme heat.
Luxurious Accommodations This vehicle contains a bridge, engineering room, private sleeping quarters for up to 13 creatures, and four additional rooms (typically a dining room, kitchen, lavatory, and meeting room).
Maneuverable This vehicle is mounted on ten spider-like legs that enable it to turn swiftly, turn in place, and even move backward. Each 90-degree turn made in less than a vehicle length costs 5 extra feet of movement; so, for example, it costs 10 feet of movement for the vehicle to turn around and begin moving backward. This vehicle loses these benefits when broken.
Skewering Step [three-actions] (attack) Two crew members each perform a 3-action activity on their turn to skewer nearby enemies with the clockwork castle's legs. All creatures under or adjacent to the vehicle at the end of the second character's turn take 7d8 piercing damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save). Weapon Mounts This vehicle has four rooftop weapon mounts; one mount on each corner of the vehicle. At purchase, these weapon mounts are initially empty. Installing or uninstalling a weapon into a weapon mount requires 10 minutes, a successful DC 35 Crafting check, and an appropriate weapon. Three of these weapon mounts can be equipped with ranged weapons, and the fourth can be equipped with a ranged siege weapon of size Large or smaller.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 35, standby

HelepolisVehicle 16

Legacy Content

Rare Gargantuan 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 77 2.0
Price 30,000 gp
The helepolis uses both pushed propulsion and turned propulsion to turn a capstan. Turned propulsion uses the same rules as rowed propulsion. Pushed propulsion uses the same rules as pulled.
Space 65 feet long, 65 feet wide, 130 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 200 turners, 3,000 pushers; Passengers 306
Piloting Check Diplomacy (DC 37), Intimidation (DC 37), or Warfare Lore (DC 35)
AC 34; Fort +28
Hardness 20, HP 240 (BT 120); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed, turned)
Collision 8d10 (DC 32)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.
Tiered A helepolis has six levels. The crew operate at the bottom tier, turning a giant capstan. There's room remaining on that tier for up to six passengers (enough for a full heavy ballista siege crew; see Weaponry). Each of the remaining five levels carries up to 60 passengers. The tiers are specifically meant to be protective and give those within the helepolis greater cover (or standard cover if the helepolis is broken). A massive ladder runs diagonally through the center of the helepolis, from the front of the top tier to the rear of the bottom tier. The ladder is wide enough for two crew or passengers to climb simultaneously.
Weaponry The siege tower is loaded to the brim with siege weapons—typically bristling with heavy ballistas on its first and second tiers and ballistas on its third, fourth, and fifth. The Price of these weapons is included in that of the helepolis. When building a helepolis, you can choose to replace any of these with other siege weapons with a lower Price. If you want a more expensive siege weapon, you must Craft it separately. Because of the helepolis's structure, any siege weapon in it must launch its payload straight ahead. For instance, a ballista or springald could function in a helepolis, but not a catapult or trebuchet. Passengers of the helepolis can crew these siege weapons.

Vonthos's Golden BridgeVehicle 17

Legacy Content

Unique Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 99 2.0
Price 50,000 gp
Crafted by the wizard Vonthos as part of his bid to attempt the Test of the Starstone in Absalom, this strange vehicle is considered to be a magical and technological marvel. Vonthos's Golden Bridge is a flying sphere made out of a throne surrounded by several clockwork rings covered in gold and gems infused with powerful adaptive abjurations that grant it unique abilities.
Space 9 feet long, 9 feet wide, 9 feet high
Crew 1 pilot
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 36) or Arcana (DC 38)
AC 39; Fort +29
Hardness 20, HP 310 (BT 155); Immunities object immunities
Speed fly 40 feet (clockwork, magical)
Collision 11d10 (DC 36)
Captivating Wealth (aura, enchantment, magic, mental, visual) 40 feet. The gold, gems, and other embellishments that adorn this flying sphere emit a sparkling resplendence capable of enthralling creatures. Each creature that begins its turn within the aura must attempt a DC 36 Will save; on a failure, the creature is fascinated and stupefied 2 for as long as it remains within the aura. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 hour. Each time Prismatic Defense is activated, the area of Captivating Wealth is reduced by 10 feet for 1 hour, to a minimum of 0 feet.
Protective Barrier While the swirling rings of the vehicle don't fully cover the pilot, they offer incredible protection, magically maintaining the temperature within and ablating physical attacks. The pilot is protected from severe cold, severe heat, extreme cold, and extreme heat. The pilot also gains resistance 10 to all physical damage (except adamantine). Prismatic Defense [one-action] (abjuration, magical) The pilot harnesses power from the magical gemstones hidden among this vehicle's extravagant embellishments to grant the vehicle additional defenses. This vehicle gains resistance 20 to one of the following energy damage types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, or sonic. This immunity lasts until Prismatic Defense is next activated.
Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 37, standby