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PFS StandardProtection [two-actions] Spell 1

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 361 4.0
Traditions divine, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 creature
Duration 1 minute
You ward a creature against a specified alignment. Choose chaotic, evil, good, or lawful when you cast this spell. The target gains a +1 status bonus to Armor Class and saving throws against creatures and effects of the chosen alignment. This bonus increases to +3 against effects from such creatures that would directly control the target and against attacks made by summoned creatures of the chosen alignment.

This spell gains the trait that opposes the alignment you chose—if you choose chaos, this spell gains the lawful trait, and vice versa; if you choose evil, this spell gains the good trait, and vice versa.