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Exemplar Details | Exemplar Feats | Ikons | Epithets

PFS Standard Skybearer's Belt Worn Ikon

This girdle wraps around your waist, magnifying your strength to the point you feel you could carry the sky itself.


Strength flows forth. You can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than you, and you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks for these actions and to your saving throws to resist these actions.

Transcendence — Bear Allies’ Burdens [two-actions]

You move with a speed belying your strength, carrying your allies as easily as straw dolls. You Stride. At any point you are adjacent to a willing ally during the Stride, you can pick that ally up, and you can deposit them into a space adjacent to you at any other point during your movement. You ignore the ally’s Bulk while carrying them during your Stride. You can Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.