![PFS Standard PFS Standard](Images\Icons\PFS_Standard.png)
Zodiac BoundBackgroundRare Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 13Fortune tellers and oracles claim that a person’s zodiac sign influences their personality and fate, and while it might not be true for all, it seems true for you. You were born under a powerful manifestation of a specific constellation, corresponding to a symbol of the zodiac. When you gain this background, choose a specific constellation from those listed below. Your associated constellation determines one of the attribute boosts you gain and an innate spell. The list includes benefits for the constellations of the Dragon Empires Zodiac, but you might have been born under a different constellation and gain different benefits as determined by the GM.
Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to the attribute tied to your sign, and one is a free attribute boost.
You’re trained in Astrology Lore. You also gain the ability to cast a
divine innate spell, as determined by your sign. The frequency with which you can cast this spell is listed below; cantrips can be used as often as you wish. As normal, you cast non-cantrip innate spells at the lowest rank available to that spell, such as 2nd rank for
water breathing, and cantrips are heightened to half your level. Additionally, once during the prominent time for your sign (typically once per year), you can cast your sign’s spell without expending its normal use.
The Underworld Dragon (Intelligence): ignition; at will
The Swordswoman (Dexterity): gale blast; at will
The Sea Dragon (Constitution): water breathing; once per week
The Swallow (Dexterity): jump; once per day
The Ox (Strength): ant haul; once per day
The Sovereign Dragon (Charisma): command; once per day
The Ogre (Strength):fear; once per day
The Forest Dragon (Wisdom): tangle vine; at will
The Blossom (Charisma): dizzying colors; once per day
The Dog (Constitution): clear mind; once per week
The Sky Dragon (Intelligence): bless; once per day
The Archer (Dexterity): sure strike; once per day