Guardian Shield
Item 11Legacy Content
Uncommon Abjuration Divine Magical Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 90Price 1,200 gp
Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk 1
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this item.
Base Shield Steel Shield
A guardian shield is a
steel shield (Hardness 9, HP 36, BT 18) engraved with the symbol of a good deity.
Activate [two-actions] command, Interact;
Frequency once per day;
Effect You conjure a Medium guardian with the effects of the
spiritual guardian spell, but it carries a shield instead of weapons and can't attack. The guardian appears in an unoccupied space next to an ally of your choice within range and uses the
Raise a Shield action, granting that ally a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn or until your ally is no longer adjacent to the
spiritual guardian. Each time you Sustain the Activation, the guardian moves to the ally, as long as the ally remains within range, and Raises its Shield, granting its bonus again until the beginning of your next turn or until your ally is no longer adjacent to the
spiritual guardian. When the ally receiving the AC bonus takes damage beyond the 10 that's redirected to the guardian, you can use a reaction to have the guardian reduce damage for your ally even more by interposing itself further. When it blocks damage in this way, it reduces the damage your ally takes by an additional 20 (for a total of 30 damage reduced), but Dismisses the guardian, immediately ending the activation.