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PFS StandardIntercepting Hand Feat 12

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 93
Archetype Spirit Warrior
Prerequisites Spirit Warrior Dedication

Your particular martial art includes various defensive actions designed to remove your opponent’s ability to cause harm. Your fist unarmed attack gains the disarm trait. You gain the Disarming Interception action.

Disarming Interception [reaction]

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 93
Trigger An enemy within your reach targets you or an ally with a weapon Strike
Requirements You have your fist positioned to parry
You attempt to Disarm the weapon the enemy is attacking with. You gain a +2 status bonus to this Disarm check, and if the check is successful, the triggering attack is disrupted. If the Disarm attempt is a critical success and you have a hand free, you can catch the disarmed weapon in your hand instead of it falling to the ground in the target's space.



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