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Djezet WeaponItem 12+

Legacy Content

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 98
Usage varies by weapon; Bulk varies by weapon
The djezet in weapons absorbs magical power. Critical hits made with a djezet weapon against a prepared or spontaneous spellcaster cause the target to lose one prepared spell or one spontaneous spell slot unless the target succeeds at a Will save (DC 30 for standard-grade or DC 40 for high-grade). The spell is randomly selected from among the caster's highest three spell levels (and then from among the spells prepared in that level, for a prepared spellcaster).

Base Material


PFS StandardDjezet Weapon (Standard-Grade)Item 12

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 98
Price 1,800 gp (+180 gp per Bulk)
Craft Requirements at least 225 gp of djezet + 22.5 gp per Bulk

PFS StandardDjezet Weapon (High-Grade)Item 18

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 98
Price 22,000 gp (+2,200 gp per Bulk)
Craft Requirements at least 11,000 gp of djezet + 1,100 gp per Bulk