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Secrets of Magic / Book of Unlimited Magic / Thassilonian Rune Magic

The Seven Schools

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 238 2.0
The following seven schools are considered proper specializations of Thassilonian rune magic. In this paradigm, the Thassilonians considered divination magic to be something every wizard should learn but that none need take the effort to master.

Abjuration (Envy)

Runelords of abjuration specialize in protective magic and in suppressing all other magic to glorify their own.
Prohibited Schools evocation, necromancy; Rune Spells initial: blind ambition, advanced: competitive edge

Conjuration (Sloth)

Runelords of conjuration use their magic to create what they need as they need it, and call forth servants to do their bidding.
Prohibited Schools evocation, illusion; Rune Spells initial: efficient apport, advanced: swamp of sloth

Enchantment (Lust)

Runelords of enchantment specialize in magic that compels and controls the minds of others, often to fulfill their own needs and desires.
Prohibited Schools necromancy, transmutation; Rune Spells initial: charming touch, advanced: captivating adoration

Evocation (Wrath)

Runelords of evocation channel raw destructive energies and direct them toward all who would oppose their will.
Prohibited Schools abjuration, conjuration; Rune Spells initial: weapon surge, advanced: zeal for battle

Illusion (Pride)

Runelords of illusion use magic to create the perfect appearance and fool others through trickery, deception, and misdirection.
Prohibited Schools conjuration, transmutation; Rune Spells initial: veil of confidence, advanced: delusional pride

Necromancy (Gluttony)

Runelords of necromancy tap into their constant hunger for more power and enhancing their longevity, potentially even unto undeath.
Prohibited Schools abjuration, enchantment; Rune Spells initial: overstuff, advanced: take its course

Transmutation (Greed)

Runelords of transmutation not only transform objects to create value, but also transform and enhance their own power.
Prohibited Schools enchantment, illusion; Rune Spells initial: appearance of wealth, advanced: precious metals