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Alchemical Poisons

Source Core Rulebook pg. 550 4.0
Alchemical poisons are potent toxins distilled or extracted from natural sources and made either stronger or easier to administer. Each poison's stat block includes the Price and features for a single dose. Poison doses are typically kept in a vial or some other type of safe and secure container.

Applying alchemical poisons uses Interact actions. A poison typically requires one hand to pour into food or scatter in the air. Applying a poison to a weapon or another item requires two hands, with one hand holding the weapon or item. The Usage entry for a poison indicates the number of hands needed for a typical means of application, but the GM might determine that using poisons in other ways functions differently.

The full rules for how poisons and other afflictions are located here. A creature attempts the listed saving throw as soon as it's exposed to the poison; on a failed save, the creature advances to stage 1 of the poison after any listed onset time elapses.

Some poisons have the virulent trait. This means the poison is harder to remove once it has taken effect; see Virulent Afflictions.

Divine Poisons

Poisons with the divine trait are infused with an element of divine power, elevating them to a magical state beyond what alchemy could normally achieve. These deadly concoctions provide magical side effects in addition to their usual debilitating properties. Normally crafted by followers of deities of poisons like Norgorber and Ydersius, these poisons are magic items. Their effects can't be dispelled by dispel magic.

Click here for the full rules on Alchemical Poisons.

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