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The Deck of Destiny

PFS StandardBlade of Fallen StarsItem 22

Legacy Content

Unique Artifact Combination Evocation 
Source Highhelm pg. 115
Base Weapon Gun Sword
This +4 major striking greater frost gun sword is made from high-grade cold siccatite. This gun sword's elegant, silvery blade is double-edged and etched with stars and constellations that move and mirror the night sky. The blade absorbs starlight, and prolonged exposure causes it to form a layer of glittering residue. Smiths in Dongun Hold forged this weapon by combining the cracked remains of a skymetal arquebus and the shards of an exceptional elven greatsword. Some tales of the forging report that the sword was Tear of Eventide, a great blade forged out of starlight for the battle between Desna and Aolar. Whether or not that was the case, dwarven curators who examined the shards simply noted that the blade's material was compatible with the cracked gun. After an extremely tense diplomatic brunch, the weapon is now regarded as a miracle of elven artistry and dwarven engineering, and a powerful symbol of allyship between their kingdoms.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect You unfold the parrying hooks extending from the blade to form a bipod, which has the same benefits as a typical tripod. This negates the –2 penalty from kickback but must be reversed by a subsequent Interact action before the weapon can be repositioned or wielded in melee.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Requirements The blade of fallen stars was exposed to starlight for at least one hour since the last time this ability was used; Effect The coating on the blade seeps into the engravings and is collected in the barrel. On your next ranged Strike, the weapon fires a glowing white projectile with a blazing blue tail that explodes on impact. In addition to the normal Strike damage, the projectile also deals 6d8 cold damage and creates a faerie fire effect in a 5-foot emanation centered on the target.

Destruction Depriving the weapon of all light, natural or otherwise, for seven years, seven months, and seven days will cause it to crumble and erode irreparably