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PFS StandardCall the Swarm [three-actions] Feat 17

Source Player Core 2 pg. 31 1.1
Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Ratspeak

You give a shrill whistle and point, and a massive swarm of rats pours forth from the surrounding terrain to fill a 30-foot burst within 120 feet. The rats scurry over the ground and climb up walls and surfaces, biting and clawing as they deal 6d8 piercing damage to all enemies in the area. The rats continue to swarm in the area for the next minute, dealing 3d8 piercing damage to any enemy that ends its turn in the area and transforming the area into difficult terrain (though the rats allow you and your allies to pass normally). You can Dismiss the effect.



A creature with this trait is a member of the ratfolk ancestry. Ratfolk are humanoids who resemble rats. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by ratfolk.