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PFS StandardTap Into Blood [one-action] Feat 1

Concentrate Sorcerer 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 152 1.1
Requirements You are benefiting from a blood magic effect

The power in your blood allows you to perform minor feats of magic. You can perform one of the following actions depending on the tradition of your bloodline.
  • Arcane Your mind temporarily opens to the secrets of the world. Attempt to Recall Knowledge; you can use Arcanainstead of the skill normally needed for that subject. If you critically fail at this check, you get a failure instead.
  • Divine Whatever divine provenance is in your lineage guides you to instinctively move yourself or others out of harm's way. You Step, or you Reposition a target within your reach using Religion for the check.
  • Occult Strange mists or swirling colors hide your movement. You Step up to 10 feet.
  • Primal The immense power of nature echoes in your voice. You can attempt a Nature check to Demoralize a target.



An action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.