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PFS StandardGrandeur (Holy)

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
The glowing grandeur of the immaculate celestial realms inspires you, and you exhort their virtues to bring humility to the denizens of other grim worlds.

Edicts provide a shining example for others, enjoy and share the beauty around you, keep yourself tidy and well groomed

Anathema despoil yourself by associating with fiends and unholy force

Champion's Reaction

Flash of Grandeur [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura
Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier, and it can't recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion's aura is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.