Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Poppet Details | Poppet Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Poppet Heritages

PFS StandardHarmless Doll Feat 1

Legacy Content

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 63

You look like nothing more than an ordinary toy, doll, or statuette, and you can fool others with your innocuous appearance. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Deception (or another skill if you're already trained in Deception), and you can Impersonate an inanimate toy or a mindless poppet. You can Hide without any cover or concealment from creatures that don't realize you're alive, so long as you're in a location where a toy of your shape wouldn't be out of place, like a carnival booth, city street, or toy shop (at the GM's discretion). If you succeed, onlookers still see you, but they mistake you for an inanimate toy. After being fooled once, they realize you're alive, and you can't Hide from them in that way again.



Small constructs originally designed to serve as companions or servants. They occasionally gain a greater spark of life, transforming them into independent, sapient creatures.