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PFS StandardWrist Launcher

Legacy Content

Uncommon Agile Concealable Free-Hand 
Source Firebrands pg. 83 2.0
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
Price 3 gp; Damage 1d4 P; Bulk 1
Hands 1; Range 30 ft.; Reload 1
Type Ranged; Category Martial; Group Dart

This slender tube is attached to a large strap worn on the forearm. You can fire a dart from the tube with a twist of the wrist. The wrist launcher uses darts as ammunition.



The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.


This weapon is designed to be inconspicuous or easily concealed. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and DCs to hide or conceal a weapon with this trait.


This weapon doesn't take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. A free-hand weapon can't be Disarmed. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. You can't attack with a free-hand weapon if you're wielding anything in that hand or otherwise using that hand. When you're not wielding anything and not otherwise using the hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in that hand. Each of your hands can have only one free-hand weapon on it.


Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.

Critical Specialization Effects

Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 4.0
Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with certain weapons and get a critical success. This is called a critical specialization effect. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon.

Dart: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.