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Chapter 2: Ancestries & Backgrounds

Mixed Ancestry

Source Player Core pg. 82 2.0
You can choose a mixed ancestry to represent having two ancestral lines for your character. This doesn't preclude having more than two ancestries in your genealogy, but you'll need to work with your GM if you want to have more than two reflected in the rules. The possible combinations of ancestries are immeasurable, though most people in the Inner Sea region are familiar with only aiuvarins and dromaars, as those are the most common people of mixed ancestry they encounter.

Custom Mixed Heritage: You can work with your GM to create a mixed heritage for an ancestry other than elf or orc. A custom mixed-ancestry heritage is an uncommon heritage. Choose an ancestry to tie to the heritage. You gain any traits of that ancestry and a new trait for your combined ancestry, similar to how the aiuvarin heritage below grants the “elf” and “aiuvarin” traits. You also gain low-light vision if the ancestry tied to the heritage has low-light vision or darkvision. The heritage lets you select ancestry feats for the chosen ancestry in addition to those from your base ancestry. The aiuvarin and dromaar heritages both have special feats, but a custom heritage will need you to work with your GM to create or adapt some.