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Chapter 6: Equipment / Gear

Gear Statistics

Source Player Core pg. 287 2.0
The table on page 291 lists Price and Bulk entries for a wide variety of gear. Any item with a number after it in parentheses indicates that the item’s Price is for the indicated quantity, though the Bulk entry for such an item is the value for only one such item. All items in this chapter are level 0 unless the item name is followed by a higher item level in parentheses.


Source Player Core pg. 287 2.0
This lists how many hands it takes to use the item effectively. Most items that require two hands can be carried in only one hand, but you must spend an Interact action to change your grip in order to use the item. The GM may determine that an item is too big to carry in one hand (or even two hands, for particularly large items).

Wearing Toolkits

Source Player Core pg. 287 2.0
You can make a toolkit (such as an alchemist’s toolkit or healer’s toolkit) easier to use by wearing it. This easy access allows you to draw and replace the tools within as part of the action that uses them, rather than needing to Interact to draw them. You can wear up to 2 Bulk of toolkits in this manner; any beyond this limit must be stowed or drawn with an Interact action to use.