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Chapter 7: Spells

Innate Spells

Source Player Core pg. 298 2.0
Certain spells are natural to your character, typically coming from your ancestry or a magic item. They're called innate spells. Innate spells don't let you qualify for abilities that require you to be a spellcaster—those require you to have spell slots. The ability that gives you an innate spell tells you how often you can cast it—usually once per day—and its magical tradition. Innate spells are refreshed during your daily preparations. Innate cantrips are cast at will and automatically heightened as normal for cantrips (page 298) unless otherwise specified.

When you gain an innate spell, you become trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics. At 12th level, these proficiencies increase to expert. Unless noted otherwise, Charisma is your spellcasting attribute modifier for innate spells.

If you have an innate spell, you can cast it even if it's not of a spell rank you can normally cast. This is especially common for monsters.

You can't use your spell slots to cast your innate spells, but you might have an innate spell and also be able to prepare or cast the same spell through your class. You also can't heighten innate spells, but some abilities that grant innate spells might give you the spell at a higher rank than its base rank or change the rank at which you cast the spell.