Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 2: Building Games / Environment


Source GM Core pg. 91 2.0
Mountain environments also include hills, which share many aspects of mountains, though not their more extreme features. The most common disasters here are avalanches.


Source GM Core pg. 91 2.0
Chasms are natural pits, typically at least 20 feet long and clearly visible (barring mundane or magical efforts to conceal them). The main danger posed by a chasm is that characters must Long Jump to get across. Alternatively, characters can take the safer but slower route of Climbing down the near side of the chasm and then ascending the far side to get across.


Source GM Core pg. 91 2.0
Cliffs and rock walls require creatures to Climb to ascend or descend. Without extensive safety precautions, a critical failure on Climb checks can result in significant falling damage.


Source GM Core pg. 91 2.0
Mountains often have extremely rocky areas or shifting, gravelly scree that makes for difficult terrain. Especially deep or pervasive rubble is uneven ground.


Source GM Core pg. 91 2.0
Slopes vary from the gentle rises of normal terrain to difficult terrain and inclines, depending on the angle of elevation. Moving down a slope is typically normal terrain, but characters might need to Climb up particularly steep slopes.


Source GM Core pg. 92 2.0
Light undergrowth is common in mountains. It is difficult terrain and allows a character to Take Cover.