Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 2: Building Games / Building Worlds / Civilization / Designing Nations

Economy and Political Stances

Source GM Core pg. 138 2.0
Determine the key resources and industries that drive the nation's economy. The availability of natural resources can establish national boundaries, local industry, and other elements of the resident society. For example, an area with few resources might have a nomadic society, while a nation rich in resources might develop an opulent mercantile class.

These resources can also affect international relationships. An area poor in a specific resource might have a strong trade relationship with a nearby nation that has it, or they might be at war! Nations also disagree about political structures, public policy, religion, and any number of other factors.

You'll also want to consider the significant NPCs of each nation. This includes the official rulers, but it also includes other major players, whether they act in an official capacity or entirely behind the scenes.