Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 3: Age of Lost Omens / Settlements / Settlements in a Game / Power Structures


Source GM Core pg. 169 2.0
The government of a settlement often reflects the nature of that settlement. A law-abiding, militaristic city likely has a hierarchical government with a single figure at the top; a crossroads market town might be under the control of its wealthiest merchant families; and a farming community might simply look to the oldest residents for leadership as necessary.

That said, the legal and publicly recognized ruler of a settlement isn't always the one calling the shots. They could merely be a puppet to a secret entity that silently pulls the strings from the shadows. Some settlements are ruled by hidden coteries, from strange religious sects to thieves' guilds. A settlement might be swayed by politically powerful residents, such as an occult vizier or a politically savvy high priest. In some cases, the legitimate authority might seem to govern but has actually been replaced by a faceless stalker, a devil in disguise, or another powerful shapechanger.