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Chapter 5: Treasure Trove / Scrolls

Crafting a Scroll

Source GM Core pg. 262 2.0
The process to Craft a scroll is much like that to Craft any other magic item. When you begin the crafting process, choose a spell to put into the scroll. You must either Cast that Spell during the crafting process, or someone else must do so in your presence. Casting that Spell doesn't produce its normal effects; instead, the magic is trapped inside the scroll. The casting must come from a spellcaster expending a spell slot. You can't Craft a scroll from a spell produced from another magic item, for example. The caster must provide any cost of the spell. A scroll's rarity is the same as that of the spell it contains.

Like other consumables, scrolls can be crafted in batches of four. All scrolls of one batch must contain the same spell at the same rank, and you must provide one casting for each scroll that is crafted.