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Chapter 5: Treasure Trove / Artifacts

Artifact Rules

Source GM Core pg. 300 2.0
Every artifact is an item with the artifact trait. This trait means two things: the item can’t be crafted or have its runes adjusted by normal means, and it can’t be damaged by normal means. Artifacts are always rare or unique. The ones found here are all 20th level or higher, which is typical for artifacts. The other rules for wearing or using the item still apply.

Artifact Destruction

Source GM Core pg. 300 2.0
An artifact’s stat block usually has a destruction entry. This details the extraordinary method needed to destroy the item. These entries can be highly specific. It could take completing an entire quest, or even an entire campaign, to finally destroy an artifact. However, the story of your game might require something different, so you can always change an artifact’s destruction requirement for your game.