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PFS StandardApparition Cloud [reaction] Feat 12

Animist Misfortune Wandering 
Source War of Immortals pg. 26
PFS Note After using Apparition Cloud, your familiar reincorporates at the start of your next turn and all effects of the feat end.
Prerequisites Spirit Familiar (Animist)
Trigger You are targeted by an attack.
Requirements Your familiar is adjacent to you or in your space.

With a mere thought, you discorporate your familiar into a thousand shards of spiritual magic, protecting both it and yourself from physical harm while making it difficult for enemies to move near you. You are concealed from the triggering attack. Until the start of your next turn, your familiar can’t be targeted and your enemies treat all spaces adjacent to you as difficult terrain.



A misfortune effect detrimentally alters how you roll your dice. You can never have more than one misfortune effect alter a single roll. If multiple misfortune effects would apply, the GM decides which is worse and applies it. If a fortune effect and a misfortune effect would apply to the same roll, the two cancel each other out, and you roll normally.


Wandering identifies animist feats attuned to particular types of apparitions. These feats require you to have attuned to an apparition who matches their prerequisites when you select them, and represent knowledge and ability pulled from that specific bond. When you make your daily preparations, you can retrain any wandering feat you know for any other wandering feat available at the level you took the exchanged feat (including lower-level wandering feats, as usual). You must meet all the new feat's other prerequisites.