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PFS StandardAnointing OilItem 4+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Magical Necromancy Oil 
Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 88
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this item.
Activate [one-action] Interact
Carried by many Knights of Lastwall, this amber-colored, fragrant-smelling oil is meant to prevent those who fall in battle from rising as undead. Applying anointing oil to a corpse casts gentle repose on it. The effects last for 24 hours. The oil is repugnant to the undead. An undead creature that touches a corpse treated with this oil is enfeebled 1 until the contact is broken or the oil's effect wears off.

PFS StandardAnointing OilItem 4

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 88
Price 18 gp
Bulk L

PFS StandardAnointing Oil (Greater)Item 10

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 88
Price 180 gp
Bulk L
Applying the oil casts 5th-level gentle repose. The funerary rites of the Knights of Lastwall sometimes include using this type of oil on their dead if they are to be buried.