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PFS RestrictedThoth (Lord of Divine Words)

Legacy Content

Source Gods & Magic pg. 124 2.0
Nethys Note: no description has been provided of this deity

Category Ancient Osirian Gods
Edicts Maintain order in society and the multiverse, innovate scientific and magical knowledge, record events
Anathema Upset stable mechanisms or ecosystems, fail to correct false information
Follower Alignments LG, LN, N
Pantheons The Enlightened Scholar's Path, Wards of the Pharaoh

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Intelligence or Wisdom
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy [Nethys Note: Generated per Remaster Compatibility FAQ]
Divine Skill Arcana
Favored Weapon sickle
Domains glyph, knowledge, magic, moon
Cleric Spells 1st: message rune, 2nd: comprehend language, 3rd: secret page