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PFS StandardKeep Stone ShieldItem 17+

Legacy Content

Source Highhelm pg. 113
Usage varies by shield; Bulk
Much easier to come by than armor, a keep stone shield offers effective-enough protection against magic that they've become very popular among the upper echelons of dwarven society, particularly those on active duty. When you have a keep stone shield Raised, you gain its circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells that target you (as well as AC). Additionally, you can Shield Block against any spell damage, not just from physical attacks.

Base Material

Keep Stone

PFS StandardKeep Stone Shield (High-Grade)Item 17

Source Highhelm pg. 113
Price 13,200 gp
Bulk 1
The shield has Hardness 11, HP 46, and BT 23.
Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include at least 6,600 gp of keep stone.