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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardElemental Motion [two-actions] Focus 3

Uncommon Concentrate Focus Manipulate Sorcerer 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 264 1.1
Bloodline elemental
Duration 1 minute
You call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element. This spell has your element's trait.
  • Air You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed.
  • Earth You gain a burrow Speed of 10 feet.
  • Fire You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed.
  • Metal You gain a burrow Speed of 10 feet.
  • Water You gain a swim Speed equal to your Speed and can breathe underwater.
  • Wood You gain a climb Speed equal to your Speed.

    Heightened (6th) You also gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speeds.
    Heightened (9th) The status bonus increases to +20 feet.