Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Dragonblood Details | Dragonblood Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats

PFS StandardScaly Hide Feat 1

Source Player Core 2 pg. 46 1.1

You were born with a layer of scales across your entire body that resemble those of your draconic progenitor. When you’re unarmored, the scales give you a +1 item bonus to AC with a Dexterity cap of +3. The item bonus to AC increases to +2 at 5th level. The item bonus to AC from these scales is cumulative with armor potency runes on your explorer's clothing, the mystic armor spell, or bands of force.

Special You can select this feat only at 1st level, and you can't retrain into or out of this feat.



A creature with this trait has the dragonblood versatile heritage. These creatures are born of draconic lineage and often have draconic appearances.