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Hermean Mutant

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Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 44
Unspecific Lore: DC 42
Specific Lore: DC 39

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Hermean MutantCreature 18

Legacy Content

Rare LE Medium Aberration Mutant 
Source Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises pg. 40
Perception +33; darkvision
Skills Athletics +35
Str +10, Dex +0, Con +9, Int -3, Wis +3, Cha -4
AC 41; Fort +34, Ref +26, Will +25
HP 360
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +34 [+30/+26] (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 6d8-2+10 bludgeoning plus GrabConstrict [one-action] 4d8+10 bludgeoning, DC 39Grasping Hands [two-actions] The mutant's various hands stretch and reach out in an attempt to grab nearby creatures. The mutant attempts an Athletics check to Grapple all creatures within 10 feet. The mutant's multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until it has made all the Athletics checks that are part of its Grasping Hands. Creatures that are grabbed are pulled to a space adjacent to the mutant. This is forced movement.