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Juubun's One Thousand PoemsItem 9

This Item may contain spoilers from the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Enchantment Grimoire Magical 
Source Pathfinder #198: No Breath to Cry pg. 77
Price 700 gp
Bulk L
This well-worn manuscript is side stitched with fading lilac-colored thread. It is filled with poems written long ago by a philosopher named Seiji Juubun, which contain a lifetime of wisdom, presenting information and advice on a tremendous breadth of topics.

Activate [one-action] envision (emotion, mental, metamagic); Frequency once per day; Effect If your next action is to Cast a Spell that has the linguistic trait and that targets 1 creature, you are overtaken by Juubun's spirit, and the spoken elements of your spell become impactfully poetic. If the target is an ally, your words inspire them and they gain 10 temporary Hit Points, which last for 1 minute. If the targeted creature is an enemy and the spell requires a saving throw, and if the enemy fails its saving throw, they become sickened 1 as a result of despair and sadness.