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PFS LimitedMetalmist SphereItem 3+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable 
Source PFS Guide pg. 38
PFS Note Players can gain access to faction-specific gear by taking the corresponding Faction Gear Access Game Reward, available when they reach 20 reputation with the respective faction. All versions of metalmist spheres from this source contain either cold iron or silver.

Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Access Member of the Pathfinder Society.
Activate [one-action] Interact
This sphere contains small fragments of thunderstones within a colloidal suspension of a precious metal. When you twist the sphere, it creates an opaque mist in a burst centered on one corner of your space. Creatures within that area are concealed, and all other creatures are concealed to them. Any creature with a weakness to the precious metal that starts its turn in the mist takes damage equal to its weakness. The mist lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind. Most metalmist spheres are filled with silver or cold iron, but more expensive versions containing other ingredients might exist.

PFS LimitedMetalmist Sphere (Lesser)Item 3

Source PFS Guide pg. 38
Price 11 gp
Bulk L
The radius of the burst is 5 feet.

PFS LimitedMetalmist Sphere (Moderate)Item 8

Source PFS Guide pg. 38
Price 90 gp
Bulk L
The radius of the burst is 10 feet.

PFS LimitedMetalmist Sphere (Greater)Item 13

Source PFS Guide pg. 38
Price 500 gp
Bulk L
The radius of the burst is 15 feet.