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Specialized Animal Companions

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Specialized animal companions are more intelligent and engage in more complex behaviors. Most animal companions can have only one specialization.

Click here for the full rules on Specialized Animal Companions.

PFS StandardAmbusher

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
In your companion’s natural environment, it can use a Sneak action even if it’s currently observed. Its proficiency rank in Stealth increases to expert (or master if it was already an expert from its type), and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank for unarmored defense increases to expert.

PFS StandardBully

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Your companion terrorizes foes with dominance displays and pushes them around the battlefield. Its proficiency ranks for Athletics and Intimidation increase to expert (or master if it was already expert from its type), its Strength modifier increases by 1, and its Charisma modifier increases by 3.

PFS StandardDaredevil

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Your companion joins the fray with graceful leaps and dives. It gains the deny advantage ability, so it isn’t off-guard to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures unless such a creature’s level is greater than yours. Its proficiency rank in Acrobatics increases to master, and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank in unarmored defense increases to expert.

PFS StandardDeep Diver

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 123
Your companion gains a swim Speed of 30 feet or a +10-foot status bonus to its existing swim Speed and can breathe underwater if it couldn't already. Its Constitution modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank for Athletics increases to master and for barding increases to expert. This specialization can only be selected by marid-touched companions.

PFS StandardRacer

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Your companion races. It gains a +10-foot status bonus to its Speed, swim Speed, or fly Speed (your choice). Its proficiency in Fortitude saves increases to legendary, and its Constitution modifier increases by 1.

PFS StandardShade

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 229 2.0
Access Shadowcaster
Your companion's physical form is made, in whole or in part, of shadow. It gains darkvision, resistance 5 to all damage except force, and in areas of dim light or darkness, it can Step 10 feet instead of 5 feet. Its proficiency rank in unarmored defense increases to expert.

A Shadowcaster has access to this specialization.

Nethys Note: The Shade animal companion specialization was affected by the Core Rulebook 3rd printing errata that reduced the nimble animal companion's proficiency with unarmored defense.

PFS StandardSteadfast Strider

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 123
Your companion ignores natural difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from sediment or stone and can move across quicksand, mud, and similar surfaces as if they were solid. It gains a +2 status bonus to saving throws and DCs to prevent being Shoved or Tripped. Its Strength modifier increases by 1 and its proficiency for barding increases to expert. This specialization can only be selected by shaitan-touched companions.

PFS StandardTracker

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Your companion is an incredible tracker. It can move at full Speed while following tracks. Its proficiency rank in Survival increases to expert (or master if it was already an expert from its type), and its Wisdom modifier increases by 1.

PFS StandardWildfire Scorcher

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 123
Your companion gains resistance to fire equal to your level. Any creature that attempts to Grapple or Grab your companion, hits your companion with a melee unarmed attack, or hits your companion with a melee weapon Strike while adjacent to your companion takes 2d6 fire damage. Its Dexterity modifier increases by 1 and its proficiency rank increases to legendary for Reflex saves and to expert for unarmored defense. This specialization can only be selected by efreeti-touched companions.

PFS StandardWind Chaser

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 123
Your companion gains a +20-foot status bonus to its Speed or fly Speed (your choice if it has both). Its proficiency in Acrobatics increases to master and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank increases to legendary for Reflex saves and to expert for unarmored defense. This specialization can only be selected by djinni-touched companions.

PFS StandardWrecker

Source Player Core pg. 211 2.0
Your companion smashes things. Its unarmed attacks ignore half an object’s Hardness. Its Athletics proficiency increases to master, and its Strength modifier increases by 1.