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Firing Mechanisms | Holsters | Scopes | Stabilizers

PFS StandardScope of LimningItem 10

Legacy Content

Magical Transmutation 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 182 2.0
PFS Note Characters with access to firearms gain access to accessories that can be used with those weapons.

Price 900 gp
Usage attached to firearm (scope); Bulk L
The dwarven gunsmiths of Dongun Hold originally created these scopes to help them clear out vermin in underground areas. This scope captures the sound that echoes off a creature hit by the firearm and transforms it into light, illuminating the target for all to see.

Activate [one-action] Interact (auditory, light, transmutation); Effect If your next Strike from the weapon to which the scope is attached hits a creature, the sound of the impact transforms into light, causing the creature to glow until the end of your next turn. A visible creature can't be concealed while they glow. If a creature is invisible, they're concealed while glowing, rather than being undetected. Because the effect requires a solid impact, incorporeal creatures are unaffected unless the bullet can deal force damage or has the effects of the ghost touch property rune.