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PFS LimitedClinging Ooze SnareItem 4

Legacy Content

Rare Acid Consumable Mechanical Snare Trap 
Source Pathfinder Special: Fumbus pg. 0
Price 25 gp
Complex traps that incorporate ooze monsters into their ingenious construction have long been a favorite of those who seek devious ways to protect their hidden laboratories, and it is from this tradition that the clinging ooze snare takes its inspiration. With its ingenious mixture of rare reagents, dried protoplasm harvested from ooze creatures, and a little pinch of alchemy, this snare triggers into an ooze-like hazard that temporarily mimics the dangers presented by a creature like a sewer ooze or other carnivorous protoplasmic monster. When a creature triggers a clinging ooze snare, the snare creates a short lived protoplasmic mass that lashes out in all directions, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 acid damage. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 21 Relfex save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected
Success The creature takes half damage
Failure The target takes full damage and is flat-footed until the start of their next turn as the ooze impedes their movement.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is both flat-footed and immobilized for 1 round. The target can Escape (DC 21) to end this effect early.