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CannonItem 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 174 2.0
Price 900 gp; Ammunition cannonball (10 gp, 6 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 7 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 22; Fort +16; Ref +9
Hardness 15; HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
Cannons are perhaps the most well known of all black powder siege weapons, and that's because they represent a good midpoint between power and expense. Keeps and fortresses in Alkenstar prefer to fortify their forces with cannons, as they're relatively easy to construct and their ammunition is cheap enough to build up great supplies.
Aim [three-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 200 feet) 6d12 bludgeoning, single target, DC 23 Reflex