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PFS StandardBloodhound MaskItem 2+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 254 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This wide, single-use mask is designed to be slipped over your mouth and nose and its alchemical filter activated all with one hand. Once activated, the mask sharpens odors, giving you imprecise scent with the listed range. You can't wear other masks while you're wearing a bloodhound mask. When you use Survival to Track a creature by its scent, your proficiency bonus is equal to your level even if you're untrained, and the mask grants you the listed item bonus to your Survival check. The GM sets the Survival DC based on the area's ability to hold scent rather than on visual clues, as normal for using scent.

PFS StandardBloodhound Mask (Lesser)Item 2

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 254 2.0
Price 6 gp
Bulk L
The range is 15 feet, the item bonus is +1, and the duration is 10 minutes.

PFS StandardBloodhound Mask (Moderate)Item 6

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 254 2.0
Price 40 gp
Bulk L
The range is 30 feet, the item bonus is +2, and the duration is 1 hour.

PFS StandardBloodhound Mask (Greater)Item 11

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 254 2.0
Price 250 gp
Bulk L
The range is 60 feet, the item bonus is +3, and the duration is 8 hours.