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Chapter 2: Camping / Campsites

Step 4: Resting

Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 108
Once the party has eaten, it's time to rest, as detailed under Resting. The table above summarizes how long the group needs to set aside for rest, assuming rotating watch assignments of equal length. This table reprints and expands on Table 10-3 from the Core Rulebook, as the PCs' campsite in a Kingmaker campaign can include a number of NPC companions as well.

During this period, check for random encounters once every 4 hours by attempting a flat check against the zone's Encounter DC (see the Camping Zones table). Any adjustments made to this DC from additional hours spent pursuing Camping activities persist. After an encounter occurs, the Encounter DC resets to its original value.

Watches and Rest

Group SizeTotal TimeDuration of Each Watch
216 hours8 hours
312 hours4 hours
410 hours, 40 minutes2 hours, 40 minutes
510 hours2 hours
69 hours, 36 minutes1 hour, 36 minutes
79 hours, 20 minutes1 hour, 20 minutes
89 hours, 9 minutes1 hour, 9 minutes
9+9 hours1 hour