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Other Consumables

PFS StandardCube of ForceItem 13

Legacy Content

Rare Evocation Magical 
Source Impossible Lands pg. 304
Price 3,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
A cube of force is an enchanted cube that measures an inch across. While made from any hard material, the sides of a cube of force are decorated so that they can be distinguished by touch.

Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You hold the cube aloft and depress one of its six faces for several seconds. The cube creates six walls around you, creating a cube 10 feet on each side centered on you (typically centered on the top of your space if you're a Medium creature). If a creature or object overlaps any of these walls, that face of the cube doesn't appear; this also means if you're Huge or larger, the activation has no effect, as your space is larger than the cube would be. The duration and effect of the six walls depends on which face of the cube you press when you Activate the cube, as seen on Table 5: Cube Effects (below). Pressing the sixth cube face with a simple Interact action Dismisses the effect; doing so isn't an activation and thus doesn't count against the cube's frequency. The walls have the AC, Hit Points, and Hardness of a wall of force.

Cube Effects

Cube FaceDurationEffect
1 30 minutes The walls keep out gas and wind, attempting to counteract such effects that cross the threshold with a +20 counteract modifier but allowing all other things through.
210 minutesThe walls block nonliving matter from crossing; a nonliving creature must succeed at a DC 30 Will save to cross the threshold, wasting their move action on a failure, and unattended objects can't cross. Non-magical ranged attacks can't cross either and instead attack the wall. A living creature can bring attended objects across the walls without needing to attempt a saving throw.
310 minutesThe walls block living matter from crossing; a living creature must succeed at a DC 30 Will save to cross the threshold, wasting their move action on a failure.
45 minutesThe walls keep out magical effects that cross the threshold, attempting to counteract magical effects with a +20 counteract modifier, though they don't prevent a creature with magical items or effects from entering.
51 minuteThe walls block everything, with the effects of wall of force.
6The cube is Dismissed (this takes only an Interact action and isn't an activation).