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PFS LimitedRune of SinItem 12

Legacy Content

Uncommon Arcane Invested Tattoo 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 165 2.0
Price 1,700 gp
Usage tattooed on the body; Bulk
This jagged glyph, one of the Thassilonian runes of sin, reacts to magic of a particular school (there's no rune for divination, as it was considered lesser within sin magic). When you Cast a Spell of the school matching the sin, you gain resistance 5 to damage from spells until the start of your next turn. This resistance is increased to 7 against spells of the matching school. This tattoo has the school trait matching the rune: abjuration for envy, necromancy for gluttony, transmutation for greed, enchantment for lust, illusion for pride, conjuration for sloth, and evocation for wrath.