Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Skeleton Details | Skeleton Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Skeleton Heritages

PFS StandardAs in Life, So in Death Feat 1

Legacy Content

Source Book of the Dead pg. 56

Specific memories of your old life are hard to hold onto, but you know things without remembering why. You gain the Adopted Ancestry feat. You can choose any ancestry, but it is likely to be one that matches both your skeleton heritage and who you were in life. As long as your body is completely covered by armor or clothing, you do not have to attempt Deception checks against a creature's Perception DC to successfully Impersonate yourself as a member of that ancestry. This is a non-magical disguise that doesn't protect against divination. This disguise doesn't provide any benefit against a creature actively attempting a Perception check against you.



This undead is made by animating a dead creature's skeleton with void energy.