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KarakoaVehicle 5

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 267
Price 450 gp
Karakoa are large twin-hulled outriggers used by the Tian-Sing for transit within the massive Minata archipelago. Fast and sturdy, karakoa are distinct from other Tian vessels in that they're equipped with platforms for transporting warriors and fighting at sea. During peacetime, they're also used as trading ships, able to carry goods and passengers. While capable of crossing oceans, their open hull design may perform poorly during rough seas as breaking whitecaps could swamp the craft.
Space 80 feet long, 40 feet wide, 30 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 20 rowers; Passengers 20
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 20) or Athletics (DC 22)
AC 17; Fort +12
Hardness 10, HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses 10 fire until broken
Speed swimg 40 feet (rowed, wind)
Collision 5d8 (DC 20)