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FollypopsItem 10+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Evocation Magical 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 47
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
These savory breaded snacks stuffed with cheese, peppers, and “secret ingredients” of draconic or demonic origin are often offered alongside a challenge—complete a full portion and get a free drink. For 1 hour after consuming follypops, your stomach gurgles and rumbles with magical potential. During this time, you can unleash magic in the area up to three times as a single action, which has the concentrate trait, with an area and damage determined by the type of pop; the third time you use this magic, the effects of your follypops end. All creatures within the area must attempt a DC 27 basic saving throw each time you unleash magic, as noted by the type of pop.

PFS StandardFollypops (Hotpops)Item 10

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 47
Price 175 gp
Bulk L
You begin to sweat profusely after consuming the serving. When you unleash magic, you breathe out a blast of fire in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the cone take 4d6 fire damage with the first blast, 2d6 fire damage with the second blast, and 1d6 fire damage with the final blast. The creatures must attempt a basic Reflex save for each blast.

PFS StandardFollypops (Rotters)Item 10

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 47
Price 175 gp
Bulk L
Your breath smells of rotting garbage after you consume the serving. When you unleash magic, you exhale a noxious breath in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the cone take 4d6 poison damage with the first breath, 2d6 poison damage with the second breath, and 1d6 poison damage with the final breath. The creatures must attempt a basic Fortitude save for each breath.

PFS StandardFollypops (Sizzlers)Item 10

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 47
Price 175 gp
Bulk L
Your skin crawls and your hair stands on end after consuming the serving. When you unleash magic, you release a bolt of lightning from your hand that travels in a 30-foot line. The first bolt deals 2d12 electricity damage, the second 1d12 electricity damage, and the third 1d6 electricity damage. The targeted creatures must attempt a basic Reflex save for each bolt.