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PFS StandardAmphibious ChairItem 9

Legacy Content

Magical Transmutation 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 71
PFS Note All Pathfinder Society agents also have access to all assistive items from Morhen’s Mobility Apparel

Price 575 gp
This magical upgrade allows the wheelchair to shift its functionality between land and aquatic environments without a hitch, propelling through the water or on land with equal ease. Your chair has a base land Speed of 20 feet if that's faster than your land Speed (for example, if you are an aquatic creature with no land Speed or a very slow land Speed), and your chair has a base swim Speed of 20 feet if that's faster than any swim Speed you have. Additionally, while riding in the chair, you can magically breathe underwater if you normally breathe air, or breathe air if you can normally only breathe underwater.