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PFS StandardImperial Dragon Potion Feat 13

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 41
PFS Note The Imperial Dragon Potion feat grants the greater version of the energy breath potion.
Prerequisites Heavenscribe Kobold; expert in Crafting

During your daily preparations, you can spend 10 minutes to create a variant energy breath potion, which has the kobold trait in addition to its normal traits. The variant potion is influenced by imperial dragon magic, granting it the effect corresponding to your dragon benefactor; the DC for the breath is the higher of your class DC or spell DC. The potion becomes inert if not used by your next daily preparations, so it has no value if sold.

DragonEffect (Save)
ForestInsects dealing piercing damage in a 15-foot cone (Reflex)
SeaWater dealing bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot line (Reflex)
SkyLightning dealing electricity damage in a 30-foot line (Reflex)
SovereignA psychic roar dealing mental damage in a 15-foot cone (Will)
UnderworldFlames that deal fire damage in a 15-foot cone (Reflex)



A creature with this trait is a member of the kobold ancestry, reptilian humanoids who are usually Small and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by kobolds.