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Abomination Vaults | Age of Ashes | Agents of Edgewatch | Blood Lords | Crown of the Kobold King | Extinction Curse | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix | Gatewalkers | Kingmaker | Outlaws of Alkenstar | Pathfinder Society | Quest for the Frozen Flame | Season of Ghosts | Sky King's Tomb | Stolen Fate | Strength of Thousands | The Fall of Plaguestone

PFS StandardFree SpiritBackground

Legacy Content

Source Firebrands pg. 75 2.0
You've always lived your life straying from the path laid before you. Like a leaf blowing in the wind, your journey takes you where it will, providing you with a lifestyle free from the bonds of expectation. While you might have friends and family in specific towns or cities, you've chosen not to put down roots in favor of going wherever—and doing whatever— you want.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Survival skill, and a Lore skill for a specific settlement or terrain you have traveled through. You gain the Forager skill feat.